SAN DIEGO, Calif., February 4, 1998/PRNewswire/ -- NeocorTech LLC, the market leader in Japanese Machine Translation software, announces Tsunami Notebook v2.0, the popular English-to-Japanese translation software for Windows. Improvements to the core translation engine have increased accuracy and translation speed (300,000 words per hour) making it nearly six times faster than the nearest competitors.

"Tsunami Notebook is more than a communication tool, it’s a learning tool," says James Coyer, President/CEO of NeocorTech. "Tsunami Notebook is perfect for students wanting to study Japanese, or businessmen who need to correspond with their counterparts in Japan via mail or email."

New features include:

- Kanji Reader: Helps users read and learn Japanese by providing the Hiragana, Katakana, or Romaji reading for selected Kanji.
- Advanced text-editing features: WYSIWYG and word-wrap are now standard.

Tsunami Notebook v2.0 will auto-detect all common forms of Japanese encoding methods (JIS, Shift-JIS, EUC, and Unicode Japanese text formats) making it easier to import/export different document types from Japan. Tsunami Notebook also has the ability to send email directly from within the program. Japanese True-Type Fonts are available through an optional font-pack. Using available Japanese True Type fonts, Tsunami Notebook will display and print word-processor quality documents. The Japanese text editor (Front End Processor) is augmentable, meaning that the user has the ability to map Hiragana / Katakana to specific Kanji. The dictionary includes 135,000 words, adding to translation accuracy. OLE 2.0 compatibility allows the Japanese text from Tsunami Notebook to be embedded into other OLE compliant Windows 95 applications.

NeocorTech LLC is a privately held company specializing in Japanese translation, communication, and OCR software for English Windows 95 / NT applications. For more information on NeocorTech and its products, please contact NeocorTech at (800) 693-9283, or

System Requirements: English MS Windows 95/NT, CPU: 486, RAM: 8MB, Hard Disk: 25MB.

Pricing: Tsunami Notebook v2.0 will be available at $149.00.

Click here to go directly to Tsunami Notebook v2.0.

For a press release kit contact:

Edgar Tiongson
NeocorTech LLC
4141 Jutland Dr., Suite 307
San Diego, CA 92117 USA

Tel: (619) 483-2524
FAX: (619) 483-2586

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