Neocor Releases Typhoon MT on Ides of March

Japanese-to-English translator for Windows 95 is first of its kind

LA JOLLA, Calif. (March 15, 1996) --- Neocor Technologies today unveiled Typhoon MT, the first software of its kind which translates Japanese-to-English on American computers. This is the result of a two-year project to convert the best-selling Japanese-to-English translation software in Japan to an MS Windows 32-bit format.

"Our team, in coordination with Kamejima Co., Ltd.’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Tokyo, has finally brought Japanese to the American computer, and on a scale that has never before been achieved," said James Coyer, Neocor Technologies president. "Typhoon MT has every element computer users in the United States need to put Japanese computing on their personal computer - Japanese fonts, Kana and Kanji text editing, a complete Front End Processor (FEP), and Japanese-to-English machine translation. My team set our standards high, and the result, we believe, will help American companies remove some of the language barriers which prevent them from entering the Japanese market, especially for small and medium-sized companies which cannot afford to hire a full time translation staff member. In addition, we anticipate high demand in the academic market for translation of Japanese research documents, which were previously out-of-reach for most American scientists and engineers."

Neocor Technologies (1-800-693-9283 or 1-619-483-2524) offers Typhoon MT for Windows at $890 plus shipping.

For Further Information Contact:
Kenneth Herskind, V.P. Sales & Marketing
NeocorTech LLC
4141 Jutland Drive, Suite #307, San Diego, CA 92117
Tel: (619) 483-2524
FAX: (619) 483-2586

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