The Anime Index

Animanga - Anime Index

[ Info / Images ]

Title : Vampire princess Miyu
Version : Dubbed
Nr. cassette : ?
Based on story from : Toshiro Hirano
Screenplay : Noboru Aikawa
Character design : Narumi Kakinouchi
Publisher : Manga Video
There are many kinds of vampire from the demon-gods of the Abyss to the beautiful hunters sworn to fight them until the end of time. Their battles rage across a strange world - the world of the Vampire Princess, where reality exists only as a fractured jigsaw above the scarlet wastes of another universe, and where creatures born from fear and loss can reach out into the world to feed on the weakness of the human heart...

With the help of
Glenat, Anime Virtual, Mix-Image

Copyright ©1996 Yann Stettler and CohProg Sarl. All rights reserved / Copyright on published documents
This page was last modified : 64 days and 5 hours ago.