The Anime Index

Anime : Tokyo Babylon

Titre / Title : Tokyo Babylon
Cassette no: 2
Nb. Episode : 1
Length : 53 min
This episode opens with the brutal murder of a young girl in the subways of Tokyo. Although witnessed by Subaru, it is the psychic talents of Mirei Hidaka that enable the police to identify the attacker. Mirei possesses the power of "postcognition" which enables her to see into and re-live the past. A talent that is invaluable to Detective Sumida but can often be a painful burden on her. However, as the investigation continues the police realise that it is a psychotic serial killer at large. When Mirei's surrogate mother becomes the next victim of his frenzy, desperate measures are called for.

Copyright ©1996 Yann Stettler and CohProg Sarl. All rights reserved / Copyright on published documents

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