The Anime Index

Anime : Iczelion

Titre / Title : Iczelion
Cassette no: 1
Nb. Episode : 2
Length : 60 min
Nagisa Kai is a normal girl until fate intervenes and makes her the combat partner of the intelligent alien battlesuit Iczelion! Now, together with three other young women, Nagisa must save the planet Earth from conquest and total subjugation at the hands/tentacles of an insidious army of invading aliens! Fortunately for earth, these dynamic damsels are more than up to the task at hand... provided Nagisa can master the use of Iczelion in time! Needless to say, the aliens have the team's fledgling member targeted for instant termination, and poor Nagisa's about to get hit with everything the bad guys have got! But it's hard to hit this Miss, and it's the aliens who're going to get annihilated!

Copyright ©1996 Yann Stettler and CohProg Sarl. All rights reserved / Copyright on published documents

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