
Anime & Manga Mailing Lists


namida : Official list of website Cyber Namida
seiya : International Saint Seiya mailing-list
seiya-digest : Digest version of the seiya list. Sent once per day
tenchi-muyo : Copy of the international Tenchi Muyo mailing-list
tenchi-muyo-digest : Digest version of the Tenchi Muyo list. Sent once per day
xjapan : List about the music group X-Japan

How to subscribe ?

To subscribe, nothing easier : Just send a mail to : with, in the body of the message, the command "subscribe" followed by the name of the list.
Example : subscribe anime

To post a message

Once you subscribed to the list, you can send it mail by using directly it's name in the e-mail address. For example, to send a mail to the "anime" list, you would use the address : .

Other information

You can get more information by sending a mail to with the command "help" in the message's body.

Warning : Commands should always be writen in the body of the message and not in the title !

Write us !

Copyright ©1996 Yann Stettler and CohProg Sarl. All rights reserved / Copyright on published documents
Images copyright AIC / Pioneer LTD

This page was last modified : 125 days and 7 hours ago.