Literal Translation Series,
"Neon Genesis Evangelion: Episode 8"
Translated Speech Script.
Written by Takeuchi Shouichi
Revised by Craig Green
Revision Level 1.2
Gendou: Yes, I've already made arrangements with the Committee about
that problem. The cargo left port at Sasebo yesterday, and is now
on the Pacific.
Kensuke:A MIG 55D transport helicopter! I never thought I'd get a
chance to fly on one! It's great to have friends, isn't it, Shinji?
Shinji: Eh?
Misato: I think it's stuffy being in the same mountain day after day,
so I asked all of you out on this date.
Touji: Eh! Then this is a real date with Misato-san?
Misato-san, I bought this cap just for today.
Shinji: So, where are we headed?
Misato: We're cruising the Pacific ocean on that gorgeous ship!
Kensuke:Wow! 5 carriers and 4 battleships! A cool fleet! Yeah, it's
good to have friends...
Touji: That ship's "gorgeous"?
Kensuke:You bet it's gorgeous!
That's the regular carrier "Over the Rainbow," the pride of
the U.N. forces.
Shinji: The ship is huge!
Misato: I wonder why such a relic is still afloat?
Kensuke:No, no, it's just vintage, pre-Second Impact.
Captain: Hell! How easygoing can she be, bringing a socket for the
kids' toy, so the kids can play!
Kensuke: Wow! Great, great, great...! Too great! If you're a man, you
have to weep at such a sight! Great...!
Touji: Hey, wait! Wait! Damn it, stop! Stop!
Asuka: Hello, Misato. How are you?
Misato: As well as ever. You've grown tall, haven't you?
Asuka: Yeah! And not just taller--my figure has filled out, too.
Misato: Let me introduce you--this is the exclusive pilot of
Evangelion Unit Two, the Second Child, Soryu Asuka Langley.
title : (pan!)dai hachi wa (pan!) "Asuka,Rainichi"
lit.tr: (slap!) episode 8 (slap!) "Asuka (slap!) comes to Japan"
eng.ti: episode 8 "Asuka Strikes!"
Touji: What did you hit me for?!
Asuka: Payment for the view. You don't think it's cheap?
Touji: Huh? Then I'll show you the same thing!
Asuka: What are you doing!
Asuka: So, which is the much-discussed Third Child?
Don't tell me it's THAT boy?
Misato: No, this one.
Asuka: Hmm... He seems rather dull...
Captain:Ah, I thought you were the leader of these kids, but now I
see that I was wrong...
Misato: Thank you for understanding, Captain.
Captain:Ah, no, no. Thank _you_ for bringing me even more children to
take care of after so long a time.
Misato:We appreciate your assistance with the marine transport of Eva
Two. Here are the specifications for the emergency power socket.
Captain:Ha! I'd never allow a request to run that doll on the sea in
the first place!
Misato: Just think of it as a fall back in case of emergency.
Captain:It's against such emergencies that the Pacific fleet is
supposed to guard! When did the U.N. turn us into bloody cargo haulers?
First Officer:I believe it was just after a certain organization was
Captain:Guarding a toy! What a grand assignment for the entire Pacific
Misato: Considering Eva's importance, it still seems lacking.
Well, please sign these forms.
Captain:Not yet. At the request of the 3rd Branch in Germany, both Eva
Two and its pilot are under the command of this fleet. I won't
allow you to just do as you please!
Misato: Then when will you relinquish command?
First Officer:After unloading the cargo at Shin-Yokosuka.
Captain:We're in charge of anything on the sea. Follow orders without
Misato: Yes, I understand. In an emergency, however, please don't
forget that Nerv's authority exceeds yours.
Touji: She's cool!
Shinji: She looks like Ritsuko-san...
Ryouji: You're as gallant as always...
Asuka: Kaji-senpai!
Captain: Kaji-kun! I insist that you not invite yourself to the
Ryouji: Sorry about that.
Misato: Then excuse us. In way to Shin-Yokosuka...(??)
* I don't know what Misato means by "In way to..." or even who she says
* it too. Perhaps, "On your way to..." but I don't know.
Touji: Wasn't this a date?
Captain:Shit! Those kids will save the Earth?
First Officer:Times change. I heard the Assembly has put their hopes
on that robot.
Captain:On that toy? Idiots! If they have the money to pay for that,
they should be paying us more!
Misato: What are you doing here?!
Ryouji: Accompanying her. I'm on a business trip from Germany.
Misato: I'm getting careless... I should have expected this
Misato,Asuka:Hey, don't push!
Ryouji,Touji:We can't help it!
Announcement: Squadron 3, take off as scheduled. Squadron 7, on duty
to second deck...
Ryouji: Are you seeing anyone?
Misato: And when did that become any of you business?
Ryouji: Oh, you wound me... Are you living with Katsuragi?
Shinji: Umm, yes.
Ryouji: Tell me, is she still so wild in bed?
Misato: Wh-- wh-- what are you implying!
Ryouji: She hasn't changed, Ikari Shinji-kun?
Shinji: Um, yes. Ah, how do you know my name?
Ryouji: It's no wonder I know you. You're famous in my circle--the
Third Child who used Eva in combat without training.
Shinji: I got lucky.
Ryouji: That luck is a part of your destiny--it's your talent.
Well, see you later.
Shinji: Okay.
Misato: This has to be a bad joke. No, a nightmare...
Ryouji: What do you think about Ikari Shinji-kun?
Asuka: He's dull! That's the great Third Child? I'm disappointed!
Ryouji: But without training, in actual combat his synchro-rate still
easily exceeds 40%.
Asuka: That can't be true! It's unbelievable! Don't lie to me! A lie!
Touji: That captain was completely arrogant!
Misato: He's a proud man. He can't help but be cynical toward us.
Shinji: He seems to be rather lively... Kaji-san, I mean.
Misato: He's always been like that, the iiidiot!
Asuka: Third Child!
Asuka: Come with me.
Shinji: Hmm, Unit Two is red. I didn't expect that.
Asuka: That's not the only difference. After all, Units Zero and One
are prototypes, test models in the development process. The fact
that it synchronized with you, an untrained boy, is good proof
of that. However, Unit Two is not the same. This is a true
Evangelion, the first on Earth built for actual combat, the
final model.
Shinji: Ah, what's happening?
Asuka: Shock wave in the water...! Something exploded nearby.
Shinji: What's that...?! Is that... an Angel?
Asuka: Is that a real...?
Shinji: What do I do? I've got to get back to Misato-san.
Asuka: Now's my chance!
Announcement:All ships, check distances between other ships,
and avoid motion.
First Officer:Report!
Voice: (???), sinking. Titus Andronicus, still can't confirm the
* (???) here's the name of a ship.
Captain:Damn it! What's going on?!
Misato: Hi, Nerv Delivery! You ordered data on and countermeasures
against this invisible enemy, right?
Captain:In battle! Authorized personnel only!
Misato: From what I can tell, this must be an Angel attack.
Captain:All ships, fire at will.
Misato: That's useless.
Touji: That kind of attack won't penetrate its AT-Field.
Misato: Funny! Why's the Angel here? Did it come for Unit Two?
Shinji: Hey, where are we going?
Asuka: Wait here a second.
Shinji: What's she doing...?
Asuka: Don't peep, you jerk!
Why are boys such perverted idiots!
Asuka: Asuka, let's go.
Captain:Why won't it sink?
Touji: I knew it--only Eva can beat it.
Asuka: Hey, let's go!
Shinji: Eh?
Asuka: Come with me!
Shinji: Hey, why are we changing into plug suits?
Asuka: Are you stupid? I want to beat it with my Unit Two.
Shinji: That's going too far. What about Misato-san's permission?
Asuka: I'll get permission after I win.
Asuka: Here I go--now you'll see how skillful my piloting is.
Just don't disturb me.
Misato: Curious... It seems to be looking for something.
Ryouji: I never expected an Angel attack here. This isn't like you
said it would be.
Gendou: Unit Two is just for this case, and I added a second pilot
as a reserve. If the worst happens, escape by yourself.
Ryouji: I know.
Asuka: Erst Erfu"llung, Anfang der Bewegung, Anfang des
Nervenanschlusses, Also lo"se sie es von links kleidung, Single start!
* German, but I don't know what it means, or even if it's spelled right.
Shinji: An error? What happened?
Asuka: Thought noise. I told you not to disturb me.
Shinji: What do you mean?
Asuka: You think in Japanese, right? Just think in German.
Shinji: All right... Ba-- baumkuuhen...
Asuka: Idiot! Fine, stop trying. Switch the base thought language to
Asuka: Evangelion Unit Two, start!
Voice: Message received from Othero: Evangelion Unit Two is starting.
Misato: Good, Asuka!
Captain:No, halt the start sequence. Reset it!
Misato: I don't care! Asuka, launch!
Captain:What!? Both Eva Two and its pilot are under our control.
I won't relinquish command to you!
Misato:What are you talking about? This is an emergency!
Your orders don't matter!
First Officer:You aren't serious? Unit Two is still carrying
Shinji: If this falls into the sea, it's over.
Asuka: And if it doesn't fall, we're okay!
Misato: Shinji-kun, are you there?
Shinji: Yes.
Captain:Kids! Two kids...
Misato: Can I examine...
Misato: Asuka, take off!
Shinji: We're coming!
Asuka: I'm going!
Asuka: Where?
Shinji: That direction! Only 58 seconds left.
Asuka: I know! Misato, prepare the emergency power socket on the
Misato: I understand.
Captain:What are you doing?
Asuka: Here we go! Jump!
Shinji: Jump?!
Deck Officers:Run!
Voice(male):Spare socket ready.
Voice(female):Reactor connection complete.
Announcement:Clear the flight deck.
Announcement:Prepare to receive Eva.
First Officer:All personnel, brace for impact.
Asuka: Eva Unit Two, landiiing!
Kensuke:What a waste!
Voice: Target is rapidly approaching this ship!
Shinji: It's coming from 9 o'clock!
Asuka: Transfer to the external power source completed.
Shinji: But we have no firearms.
Asuka: The Prog-knife can deal with it.
Shinji: The thing's damn big!
Asuka: That's what I thought.
Captain:What will you do?
Misato: Close range combat is the best way to defeat Angels.
Misato: Asuka, you did it!
Captain:This isn't a JOKE! The flight deck sustained heavy damage.
Captain:It's sinking!
Misato: Asuka, underwater battle is impossible with B-equipment.
Asuka: You don't know until you try...
Kensuke:What a waste...
Misato: Cable length?
First Officer:1,200 remaining.
Captain:What will you do?
Misato: We can deal with it.
Shinji: We must deal with it.
Misato: Out of cable. Brace for shock.
Asuka: Damn it!
Voice: Eva missed the target.
Kensuke:Change disks...
Kensuke:Ah....! Forge 38!
Ryouji: Hey, Katsuragi!
Misato: Kaji!
Ryouji: I've something to deliver, so I'll be leaving now...
Ryouji: Take off!
Ryouji: So, if you'll excuse me, Captain Katsuragi...
Touji: He ran away. He escaped...
Voice: Target again approaching Eva!
Shinji: It's coming again!
Asuka: I'll beat it this time!
Asuka: What?! It's not working!
Shinji: With B-equipment...
Asuka: What can we do?
Shinji: What can we do?!
Asuka: How sloppy! You're the Third Child, aren't you?
Shinji: Here it comes!
Asuka: M-- mouth?
Shinji: 'Cause it's an _Angel_...
Voice: Eva Unit Two has entered target's body.
Touji: Does that mean Eva was eaten?!
Touji: Just like fishing...
Misato: Fishing...? Yes, fishing!
Shinji: Well, we're in another tight spot.
Asuka: Shut up... Hey, get off me, jerk!
Shinji: But we have to free ourselves!
Misato: Asuka, can you hear me? Don't release it!
Misato: Captain.
Misato: I beg your cooperation.
Captain:Point blank shooting by the remaining two battleships?
Misato: Yes. We evacuate two battleships and sink them on the axial
line of the Umbilical Cable to form a trap.
Meanwhile, Eva Unit Two will open the mouth of the target. The
ships will then rush into the opening, fire with their bow
turrets, and then self-destruct. That way the target will be
totally defeated.
Captain:That's absurd!
Misato: Absurd but possible.
Captain:I understand.
Announcement:All personnel, abandon ship. Repeat, all personnel
abandon ship. Each section to the lifeboats.
Captain:But what about Eva?
Misato: Don't worry about those two.
Asuka: Hey, don't operate Unit Two without my permission!
Misato: Do you two understand the operation?
Shinji: I'll do my best.
Misato: I'm counting on you.
Voice: All ships, open the Kingston valve. Start sinking to Z-point.
Misato: Cable, reverse!
Voice: Eva has started surfacing. 70 to contact.
Asuka: Hey, you're still touching my... Move!
Shinji: But if we can't open the mouth soon, we'll be destroyed, too.
Voice: 60 to contact.
Misato: Status of Angel's mouth?
Captain:Still closed.
Voice(female):Two battleships sinking to the target.
Voice(male):Eva surfacing. 50 to contact.
Shinji: No!
Asuka: No time...
Voice(female):Target passed the bottom of Tempest.
Misato: Hurry or you'll be too late!
Asuka: Don't think strange things!
Shinji: What?
Asuka: Never mind, just concentrate.
Shinji: I know.
Voice: 20 to contact.
Voice: 15 to contact.
Shinji,Asuka:Open, open, open, open!
Misato: Fire!
Sign: Shin Yokosuka (AKA Odawara, pre-S.I.)
Ritsuko:That was some show!
Misato: I had to improvise the underwater combat.
Ritsuko:It's rare to hear you say that. Is this self-examination?
Misato: Don't say it. We collected precious data.
Misato: Hmm...?
Ritsuko:It truly is precious.
Touji: P... Pair--look!
Kensuke:I feel sick!
Ritsuko:They boosted their synchronization values, didn't they?
Misato: In only 7 seconds. It may have been due to the danger...
Asuka: Hey, where's Kaji-san?
Misato: He escaped earlier and must already have arrived at HQ.
That bastard!
Ryouji: Well, that was an eventful journey!
Was it caused by this, I wonder?
Ryouji: It has already been restored to this.
Being held with the durbakerite, though, I'm certain it's
still alive.
Ryouji: That is the point of the Instrumental Project of Mankind,
isn't it?
Gendou: Yes. This is the first human being, ADAM.
Touji: Really, she was a disgusting girl, despite her lovely
Kensuke:Well, we'll never see her again.
Touji: But, Sensei, you can't avoid meeting her because of your job.
I really pity you.
Asuka: Greetings. I am Souryuu Asuka Langley.
Having far from united minds, Asuka and Shinji are badly beaten by an
Angel and for the sake of unity, Misato devises a plan.
Next time,"Isshun,Kokoro,Kasanete"
(lit:At a moment, put hearts in a place)
"Dance like you want to win"
Next time, of course, service, service!
This page was last modified : 518 days and 7 hours ago.