Allen Crusade Schezar (VIII)�A�����E�N���[�[�h�E�V�F�T�[���i�W���jHeavenly Knight of Asturia and pilot of the Guymelef Scherazade Dashing looks, debonair personality, and devastating finesse in swordsmanship -- Allen would seem to be the epitome of chivalry. His handsome countenance however, belies simmering bitterment and a troubled past with an absent father, deceased mother, and a long-lost sister. His face also has a haunting resemblance to Amano, the track team member Hitomi has a crush on. Even though Allen is one of the Heavenly Knights (the elite corps of Asturia knights), King Aston has for some reason stationed him on a frontier outpost near Fanelia's border.
Note: During the initial development of the anime, he was tentatively named Allen Baado. In Katsu-Aki's shounen manga version he is named Allen Schezar VIII, even though his father is named Noland (or Leon in the anime). Not only is he part of the Heavenly Knights in this version, but he is also their commander. In Yuzuru Yashiro's shoujo manga, he is simply named Allen Schezar. According to character designer Nobuteru Yuuki, creator Shouji Kawamori was looking for a lady-killer character with the personality and looks similar to Macross's Roy Focker before they finalized on Allen's final design with its marked shoujo manga influences.