Revolutionizing Anime Music: Shoujo Kakumei Utena!

I really happen to like the music of Utena that I've heard, despite having never seen much of the show. However, Utena OSTs are expensive, rare things that are a pain to find. u.u What I've been trying to do, then, is amass as many Utena mp2's and mp3's as possible, so that people can at least get a taste of the music from the series; it really helps set the tone and is certainly worth mention.
There's not much here now; I'm hoping to get ahold of the first OST soon and to have the tracks up here in much better quality than I do now, for sure. If you have a file you'd like to donate to this page, please let me know by email!

The Music:

  • Dance Wheel Revolution: This is the opening song to Utena, and I'm quite fond of it. I have both the extended version of this and Truth on CD single but I have yet to encode the mp's. When I do this particular file will be much better quality.
  • Truth: The extended ending song to Utena. I rather like this one too although most people I can think of disagree with me. Ah well. Like I said, once I can encode the files myself it'll be better quality.
  • Shoujo Kakumei Utena - Overture: The overture to the show. The eyecatch sequence music is noticable in it if you listen right at the beginnings. Sums up the flavor of the show nicely.
  • Gakuen no Scarlet: The Ohtori Gakuen school song. And, if I have my way, my wedding processional. ;)
  • Gakuen no Lyrics: I'm not certain where this shows up in the show, but it's a violin and piano piece as is common in the first Utena soundtrack for anything that isn't a duel song, as far as I can tell. ^_^
  • Hikari Sasu Niwa: "The Sunny Garden", the piano duet which Miki learned with Kozue as a child and which he hears Anshi play, eventually spurring his duel with Utena. A wonderful little piano ditty which is quite touching.
  • Sono Kanojo no Higeki: "This Girl's Tragedy", the violin music that plays during Nanami's plotting against Anshi, among other things. Quirky and interesting.
  • Yuuga no Kanojo: "Elegant Girl"; I have no idea where this appears in the show. I don't even really like it. But for completeness' sake it is included.
  • Unsorted: Some mp3's I've made but which have yet to be placed in html on this page. Peruse at your own discretion.

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