Revolutionizing Anime Music: Shoujo Kakumei
I really happen to like the music of Utena that I've heard, despite
having never seen much of the show. However, Utena OSTs are expensive,
rare things that are a pain to find. u.u What I've been trying to do,
then, is amass as many Utena mp2's and mp3's as possible, so that people
can at least get a taste of the music from the series; it really helps set
the tone and is certainly worth mention.
There's not much here now; I'm hoping to get ahold of the first
OST soon and to have the tracks up here in much better quality than I do
now, for sure. If you have a file you'd like to donate to this page,
please let me know by email!
The Music:
Dance Wheel Revolution: This is the
opening song to Utena, and I'm quite fond of it. I have both the extended
version of this and Truth on CD single but I have yet to encode the mp's.
When I do this particular file will be much better quality.
Truth: The extended ending song to Utena.
I rather like this one too although most people I can think of disagree
with me. Ah well. Like I said, once I can encode the files myself it'll be
better quality.
Shoujo Kakumei Utena - Overture: The
overture to the show. The eyecatch sequence music is noticable in it if
you listen right at the beginnings. Sums up the flavor of the show nicely.
Gakuen no Scarlet: The Ohtori Gakuen
school song. And, if I have my way, my wedding processional. ;)
Gakuen no Lyrics: I'm not certain where
this shows up in the show, but it's a violin and piano piece as is common
in the first Utena soundtrack for anything that isn't a duel song, as far
as I can tell. ^_^
Hikari Sasu Niwa: "The Sunny Garden",
the piano duet which Miki learned with Kozue as a child and which he hears
Anshi play, eventually spurring his duel with Utena. A wonderful little
piano ditty which is quite touching.
Sono Kanojo no Higeki: "This Girl's
Tragedy", the
violin music
that plays during Nanami's plotting against Anshi, among other things.
Quirky and interesting.
Yuuga no Kanojo: "Elegant Girl"; I have no
idea where this
appears in the show. I don't even really like it. But for completeness'
sake it is included.
Unsorted: Some mp3's I've made but which have
yet to be placed in html on this page. Peruse at your own discretion.
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