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[Pom Poko mainpage]
Heisei Tanuki Gassen Pom Poko
(Pom Poko)


|| English | Japanese | other languages | books | CDs ||

In English

There is a sub. "Pom Poko" was Japan's entry for the 1995 Academy Awards' Best Foreign Film in 1995, and got limited theater release.

It is included in the Disney/Tokuma deal, but it will be very difficult for Disney to market this film in the US, considering the low (from Americans' viewpoint) humor and too many Japanese cultural references.

In Japanese

Video: 12,800 yen
Laserdisc: 9,800 yen
Both are from Tokuma Japan Communications, price includes tax.

It is also included in "Ghibli ga Ippai" LD Box set (13 disc set, TKLO 50180, from Tokuma Japan Communications). The box set costs about 1,000 dollars.

You can buy them from Anime importers such as:

Nikaku Animart
The Place in Fremont
Planet Anime in Houston
Mikado Laserdisc in San Francisco.

In Other Languages

Please see Matt Francis�s page http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/asbel/main.htm.


See Booklist http://www.nausicaa.net/miyazaki/books/pompoko/.


See CD list http://www.nausicaa.com/miyazaki/soundtracks/pompoko/.
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