Information about Robert Kwong

Information about ME

Help Navigating Rob's Frame System:
If you're using Netscape 2.0, you can access my web page via a frame system. The icon bar to your right represents what I judge is my SUPER web pages. Just place your mouse over each icon and look at the bottom of the Netscape Window to divine the destination of each.
At the bottom is a text menu bar. This represents the 2nd tier of web pages I have. It's there mostly for my own convenience. It should be self-explantory.
Last, to go back to previous links and maintain my menu frame system, you need to use click the right mouse button over the main window and choose 'Back'. Otherwise, the whole thing will get messed up! If you're using Netscape or IE 3.0, then you can use their regular navigation buttons.

Now some real Info about myself!

I'm currently in the process of finding a EECS type job. My natural inclination is towards design. But I'm flexible enough to venture into other technical related areas. Here is a copy of my Resume if you are interested.
I'm also working on my on-line resume.
Place of Birth: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Sign: Year of the Bull
Color(s): Red and Blue

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