Man has strived to enrich his knowledge
of his surroundings throughout time. From the pictographical nature
of the Egyptian and Chinese civilizations to the classical styles of the
Greeks, complacency eventually led to the onset of the Middle Ages.
Only the "wizards" during this time managed to
keep the ancient art alive. Extracting the arcane
knowledge out of the classics proved to be an art onto itself. These wizards
thus prevented the flame of civilization from flickering out, leading to
the rebirth of civilization with the Renaissance and the Modern Age.
Now, the Information age threatens to flood our minds in a choatic manner
with vast volumes of knowledge online.
This page was designed with the premise that knowledge should be organized
and easily accessible for it to be truly useful. Otherwise, a wizard would
be helpless versus a monster if he is unable to utter his incantations in
a timely fashion.