Welcome, virtual travelers to my domain. This page has become a true wormhole now.
Be prepared to be magically transported to one of the mirror sites through the powers of
the ESPers. (and javascript). If nothing happens in 5 seconds, then your browser somehow
lacks the Power!, so please manually choose which mirror is right for you below.
Fortune KOR
Tripod KOR
Please maintain the link to this page, and try not to make hard links directly
to any of the mirrors above, for you never know when one day your account would
just vanish into thin void. Whatever happens, I'll try to make sure to find a replacement
and update this page accordingly. That way, you won't waste time always updating my links!
If you like, you may visit my older 4.1 version of my pages at the Kor Kingdom
with and
without frames.
Or the SuperKOR version
with and
without frames.