Latest Changes or Information are listed First.


Added the newest upgrade to my pages ver 4.1! Even more links! Even more music melodies! More categories to choose from! Over 150 new links added! Check it out! Also posted Prelude Chapters 19-23 in my Hardkor Series.


For this week, put up a new Java counter, started posting new weekly NUVO pics, added update about comic online vol 5 in my media page, cleaned up new.gif allusions in my pages.


Sorry I haven't been updating this page much. Here's the gist of what has been done since the last date shown: Added Prelude Chapter p15, 16, 17, 18 and HardKor Book B B9, B10, B11 to my Hardkor Series


Added Prelude Chapter p14 The Choice to my Hardkor Series


Fixed up problems with imagemap linkings.


Added a new imagemap opening for my Wormhole page.


Happy Birthday Madoka-san! In commemoration, I introduce you to SuperKOR ver 4.0! Over 250 unique sites! Over 300 links! Some extra midi and sounds added. Tons of little javascripts sprinkled in. Revamped Frames Pages! Check it out!


Added HardKor Chapter B8: Conspiracy of Pictures to my Hardkor Series


Added Prelude Chapter p13 The Trap to my Hardkor Series


Added Prelude Chapter p12 Passion Fuel to my Hardkor Series


Made Minor Changes to my Why is KOR the Best? Page


Posted Hard Kor Book B Chapter 7:Arrangements


SuperKOR Minor Upgrade ver 3.111
Since today is my birthday, I decided to jazz up the look of my KOR entry point and Kor Kingdom page with image roll-over tricks and twinkling stars. Hope you like it.


SuperKOR Minor Upgrade ver 3.11
Made major bookkeeping changes, creating new categories, pruning old ones, checking and adding a lot more links. Now over 200 unique KOR links!


Added more new KOR items avail in my KOR Media Page.


Added the Comic On info to my KOR Media Page ,courtesy of my friend Itono-san.


Added the Kor Movie Review text from my friend Itono-san to my KOR Media Page


SuperKor ver 3.1
Added Random Midi playback for Framed pages
Done Maintenance of links and updates
Released HardKor Prelude Story Kuu: Halloween Hijinx


SuperKor ver 3.01
Fixed minor bugs in my intial release (i.e. wrong links)
Optimized pics further for faster loading
Added more info to my KOR Media Page


The Launching of SuperKor ver 3.0 (1st Year anniversary)
Hits to General Page:~24000
Hits to Kor-Kingdom: ~11000
Hits to SuperKor: ~10000
Hits to HardKor: ~8200
Thanks you KOR Fans out there for making my KOR page your definitive stopping point. I thank thee for thy patronage! I double checked all the links and they all should work! Despite the addition of new graphics, the load times is about the same, due to size optimzations made to exisiting pictures! Last, I like to thank Eric Law for providing me with many cool KOR pics and info for the Media Page. Happy KORing.


Launched Shin KOR II Translation!


12:00am Posted Hard Kor Book B Chapter 4:ABCB


12:00am Posted Hard Kor Prelude Hachi:Semester Blues


12:00am Posted Hard Kor Book B Chapter 3:Heist


1:00am Reorganized the structure of my home page; does not affect users; about 2 hr downtime because of this; optimize images for faster downloading. Eliminated obsolete pages.


9:02am Posted Hard Kor Book B Chapter 2:Opening Move


3:38am KOR Upgrade ver 2.75 Repaired lots of broken links. Added Midi support (netscape or ie 3.0 ver only!) Created some more sections. Improved SuperMenuBar with new pics Automatic selection chooser


10:am Posted Hard Kor Book B Chapter 1:Frantic


9:30pm KOR Upgrade ver 2.5 Made some image corrections. Added more links Jazzed up both pages up.


2:04am Posted HardKor Prelude Story Lost Again up.


12:00am Happy Independence Day! To celebrate the event, I've put up two more KOR Gallery Pages: KOR Duo and KOR Trio. Hope ya like it!


1:45pm Thomas at Temple U. has graciously allowed me the use of his site to archive my stories. Now all uncompressed,pure text versions of my stories now reside on his site, while the compressed versions still remain at my site.


8:48ma I'm back from my long hiatus abroad! Fix some bugs in system:
Fix problems with Netscape startup page
Consolidated HardKor's Netscape and Other Browsers' counter into 1 central counter. (i.e added the 2 counts together)
added Counter for appreciation pages


Hi everyone! After a month of hibernating, I have come back with a vengeance to launch the next iteration of my page. It is particularly fitting, since it is on Ayukawa's birthday! In Honor, I've prepared many the special Ayukawa Appreciation Page. Also, all the interfaces has been upgraded! Click the blue wave line to go to the very top! Have fun everyone!


9:30am Sorry everyone! Looks like my server has been down for the whole night! Probably for monthly maintenance service. In the meantime, I am working on the SuperPage...


Finished adding [Prelude Chapter 5: The Duel] to my HardKor Page Saga.


Finished adding [Hard Kor Book A: Chapter 11: Intermission] to my HardKor Page Saga.


1:23am Shin Kor II is coming soon! To read a snippet of the upcoming translation by Peter Payne, Please click THIS!


12:54am Enhanced all my Java KOR Stuff! Finish revising Java Scrolling KOR Char List! Thanks to Brian's Whimsical Page for suppying the better, more innocent pics! Scrolling Madokas now offer much more variety. And the Kor Slap animation now takes one third the bandwidth as before (50k vs 150k before)


Finished adding [Prelude Chapter 4: Hello Hokkaido] to my HardKor Page Saga.


8:17pm Added yet another configuration: The Kor Plain Vanilla Page paired up with the super-kool JAVA menu-bar with time counter!


8:00pm Added the new Beancounter to my Netscape Java Page Frame only! Scroll down the menu-bar to check it out!


9:47am Optimized my Icons and wallpaper thanks to Tuyen Tran!


8:34am Fixed Section Links Problem for Kor-Plain page; fix Kor-Fast page.


9:23am Stupid Server was down for god knows how long! Must be the transition to new www server. Sorry folks!


4:00pm Found a free Guestbook server! Now you can sign my guestbook, without having to go through the email hassle. But please be patient though. As with anything free in life, this is slow!


9:10am Created the Fastest page yet! With the burgeoning amount of links to handle, (73 unique sites) and after reading John Dvorak's column on how still 80% of WWW users have only 14.4-28.8K access, I've created the no-frills page. Your "blue-collar" page to get you going onto the KOR destination of your choice.
Total Bandwidth: Actual Page Size: 16K
Wallpaper: 2K
Misc Icons: 5K
Total: 23K
Time to load(28.8K-14.4K) 6 to 13 seconds.


Finished adding [Chapter A10: Reflections] to my HardKor Page Saga.

3/18/96 1:34pm Further subdivided my sections; created 'Commentary/Review' and 'FTPesque Pics Listing' divisions.

3/12/96 9:24am Reorganized some of the sections; created 'Specialty' section under Resource/Pics to cater to commercial covers, video and OAV screen captures only.Added a whole slew of new links!

2/29/96 Monthly Stats: Feb
KOR Page: 2571 + 1718 = 4289
HardKor : 764 + 584 = 1348


8:33am Added some more stuff and moved scroll msg status bar to Kor-Choose page; found it even annoyed me!


9:28am Reworked intro area of my site.


9:30am Netscape Javascript users only: Added Scrolling Message Status Bar.


10:02am Kor Tip of the Week:

Click on the letters of my opening title to quickly transport you to a particular section:
'K' = KOOL
'O' = stOries
'R' = Resources
'D' = harD kor
'O' = stOries
'M' = Misc


9:30am For Netscape 2.0 Users Only: Gave Users a Choice to the type of interface they want to use to access my page; realized that most people out there don't have speedy connections, so like most other commerical pages, create low/high bandwidth selections. Hopefully, will help save you some money with your internet service provider.


Finished adding [Chapter A9: Intiation] to my HardKor Page Saga.


8:22am Add 3-D Lettering to part of My Title. (7K excess)


4:34am Finally fixed up graphics for Netscape 2.0 version of KOR page.


6:00am Added in 'Why is KOR the Best?' page. Just your basic self-promotion of this legendary series.


8:25pm Just came back and discovered wallpaper problem! Fixed now! So don't blame your browser!


7:30am Implemented new wallpaper; had too many complaints about the shade of blue used. Plus I wanted to make the site more readable, so here it is. Hope you all like the new look!


7:00am Finished Writing HardKOR Prelude San: Goodbye Tokyo!


Afternoon The ucsee server my page is on has been experiencing problems. If you're lucky enough to read this message, consider yourself the fortunate few. It might still be buggy these next few days until the net-gods decide to fix the problem.


9:12am Added a Background Wallpaper to my Hard KOR page. To me, it's my view of a mature, adult Hikaru as written in my stories.


4:22pm Incorporated new Billboard java code courtesy of Robert Temple to site, adding new transitions. Also added 1 extra image.


2:10pm Experimenting with new wallpaper for Netscape 2.0 users only. Aiming for a more "conservative" look for the site versus the more flamboyant, blue-bikini clad Madoka. What do you all think? Send me some email of your opinion at


1:57pm Changed vlink (view link) color from #CC0000(light orange) to #FF3100 (reddish-orange).


10:00am KOR tip of the week If the background wallpaper is slowing you down (takes 15K to load) or the vast expanse of blueness is making you sick, you can disable it using netscape. Go to the OPTIONS menu and click the COLORS tab. Look for the 'Background' field and click the 'Custom' radio button. Last, checkmark the entry labeled 'Always Use My Colors, Overiding Document' and there you have it! A much faster KOR-browsing session for all!


8:52am Revised George Robbert's KOR site links to point to the mirror site for the time being until the main site is up again.
Also revised Flashing titles to jpg format so total takes up only 29K! Reduction of over 50% over the previous mark.


6:22pm Both George's and Capricious KOR sites located at locations are down. Could be due to a server malfunction. Subsequently, all the sub-links under those sites won't work! Thanks to Brandon for alerting me to their problems.


3:00pm The meaning behind the Giant Blue or RED balls:
They represent the main link or site. Below this would be indented sub-links which would refer to specific info the user would want to access quickly and not waste time roaming about the main general site trying to find it. The only exception to this would be the Shin-KOR headings which refer to multiple sources of the novel instead.


Finished adding [Chapter A8: Inception] to my HardKor Page Saga.


1:00pm Listing of Stats for my Page up to today(Jan Week#3):
KOR Page
Non-Netscape: 819
Netscape 2.0: 518
Total Visitors: 1337

HardKOR Page
Non-Netscape: 373
Netscape 2.0: 158
Total Visitors: 581

Thanks to everyone for visiting my pages!


Totally reorganized the whole site into much detailed sections to make it much, much easier to find KOR stuff on the site! Also added a whole bunch of new links found.


Explanation of the bead colors: Various rankings of some KOR sites I think deserve extra special mention: Listing from highest to lowest.
Red The Pen-Ultimate
Yellow Superior
Blue Good
Green Deserves mention.


Changed the KOR selection bar to a less intensive "Flashing" titles Java setup. Uses roughly half the bandwidth of the Anim. selection bar. (67K total) Applies to Netscape 2.0 beta users only.


Start of the listing of changes.