Wow! You've found the secret trap door in my castle into my hidden keg room! You're pretty good! As a reward for your daring, you can help yourself to the contents of this "secret" file! ********** Abcb Fun!* ********** by RoK (Master of the Pub) Oct 17, 1995 4:00pm Last Modified: 3-7-96 Preliminary Notes: My own private file illustrating all the fun you can have trying to fit KOR elements to the abbreviation ABCB. As you all know, the ABCB pub is the "hub" where rumor and gossip flows through. It is one of the central, key locations in Kimagure Orange Road where fortunes are won or lost. And it's a good place to get a drink! ;) (As you can see, I'm a very BORED KOR fan! :) ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Manga/Anime Style: Ayukawa Madoka Boy Kyosuke Cold hearted Hikaru Bum or Bumpkin Yuusaku Here, as reflected in the manga and anime, and as shown above, Kyosuke is stuck between two girls who are competing for his affections. As yusual, Yuusaku is left hanging out on the edge by himself by Hikaru, discarded and treated like a bum. Also note the positioning of the letters: Hikaru is stuck in between by the affections of two boys, while both Madoka and Yuusaku is left out on the edge by both Kyosuke and Hikaru in terms of their relationship. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Another Big Clash/Confrontation Begins This refers to my HARDKOR fanfic where there is another clash for Kasuga. Or the constant confrontations at the ABCB pub: i.e. Sayuri, Kyosuke, and Madoka (love temptress) i.e. Kazuya and Kyosuke (head-banging fun) i.e. Akane and Kyouske (over Madoka) ------------------ A big celebration begins! Everyday's a party at the ABCB pub! Especially with Hatta and Komatsu around... ------------------ Ayukawa: Buxomed/Beautiful/Bashful Capable/Curvacious/Charming/Carefree/Capricious Beauty/Babe/Brunette This of course refers to the beautiful waitress working at the ABCB pub; none other than Ayukawa Madoka! ------------------ Ayukawa: Best COOOOL Babe More Madoka Musings. ------------------ A Blonde/Brunette Cutey/Cute Bunny/Beauty/Bombsehll This is of course refers to the two babes of KOR: Hikaru or Madoka! ------------------ Alert! Beware Cold/Cunning/Crafty/Coddling Blonde/Brunette/Beauty AGain, I'm referring to the secretness of Madoka's personality and how she sends mixed messages to Kyosuke. Also refers to Hikaru and how she coddles her Darling. ------------------ A Bar4 Chatter& Banter Not one of my innovative creations, but it fits the bill. ------------------ A Base4 Character Building How true! Here at the pub, we see characters develop and open themselves up to their true nature and relationships blooming and maturing. Must be the sake... ------------------ All the Best: Cheers! everyBody! Another terrible play on words on my part. :( ------------------ Ayukawa: Asskicking, Brawling, Cut-throat Bouncer Beauty This of course refers to the dark side of Madoka and her skillz. So you better not mess around at the pub, lest you feel the WRATH of Madoka's might!