About Anim@X
Web Sampler

Anim@X Setup

Animate Your Web Site

Authors Note

License Agreement

Welcome to Anim@X. This Anim@X collection includes more than 100 animated images. These images are a sample of our ever growing library containing more than 6,000 web ready action images. These images cover a wide variety of categories and styles. Anim@X is extremely easy to use.

Why use Anim@X animated images? When you add animation to your web site, you improve the ability of the reader to focus on important areas of your site. In the same way color improves the comprehension of your message, movement on your screen directs the viewers eye to something that is supposed to be important. These images have been carefully crafted and selected to help you capture the viewers attention and keep it. Many of these images are created on both black and white backgrounds so the edge selection will appear correct when a variety of background colors are selected. If you have Adobe PageMill or a web browser then you have all the tools necessary to add action to your web site.

These images are provided in CompuServe GIF format.

The GIF image animations are provided as a 1 file solution. By selecting one file and placing it on your web page you are placing a multi frame animation sequence on your page. If your browser supports GIF images it should load normally.

Platform Compatibility: This CD-ROM library is designed to support both Windows and Macintosh hardware.

Software Compatibility: We recommend that you use Adobe Adobe PageMill as a viewer for Anim@X. However, since this collection is provided as HTML pages, you may view in your favorite web browser.

Fortune Hill, Inc.
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Toyo Building, 1-5-6, Koraibashi, Chuo-Ku
Osaka, 541 Japan
Phone:81-6-231-0093 FAX:81-6-231-0862
US Representative
Sam Moore
814 Glendover Cove
Lexington, KY 40502
Phone:606-269-0933 FAX:268-2724

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