1 Could not open a dialog. 2 Please choose a new folder name and location. Or click "Cancel" return to previous step. 3 Can not start Greetings Workshop because something is wrong with the Greetings Workshop installation on your computer.\n\nTry this : Install Greetings Workshop and then install Greetings Workshop on your computer. Then start Greetings Workshop again. 4 Greetings Workshop needs your computer display to be set to show at least 256 colors.\n\nTry this : Use the Windows Control Panel to set your computer display to use a color palette of 256 or more colors. Then start Greetings Workshop Internet Express again. 5 Something is wrong with your Greetings Workshop installation.\n\nTry this : Install Greetings Workshop on your computer. Then run Greetings Workshop again. 6 Greetings Workshop Internet Express does not have enough memory to run properly.\n\nTry this : Close other applications running on your computer. Then run Greetings Workshop again. 7 Sorry! 8 Choose a project 9 Where to put the output files? 10 gifimp32.flt 11 Could not generate electronically sendable edition of your project due to missing files.\n\nTry this : Install Greetings Workshop again on your computer and then generate the electronically sendable edition again. 12 \front 13 \inside 14 \back 15 \month%d 16 \3page 17 \3page 18 \1page 19 \1page 20 \1page 21 \12page 22 \12page 23 Aborting 24 Internet Assistant 25 gwig.exe 26 \webbase 27 \gwie.hlp 28 Please do the following to send your greeting by e-mail:\n\n1. Use your e-mail program to make a new e-mail message.\n2. In the e-mail message, type the e-mail name of the recipient.\n3. Attach the the file :\n %s\n to the e-mail message.\n\nEach e-mail program has its own way to attach files. If you have never done this before, check the documentation of your e-mail program.\n\n4. Send your e-mail message.\n\nNote : If you do not have e-mail, you can place this file on a floppy and mail that floppy using the postal service. 29 Greetings Workshop can not find a Web browser on your computer. A Web browser is needed to preview the greeting.\n\nIf a Web browser is installed on your computer, then open the file : \n%s\front.htm \nusing that Web browser to preview your greeting.\n\nClick OK and then click Help for information on how you can get a Web browser. 30 ************ Please replace this paragraph with your message ************\nWe recommend that you keep the rest of this message and the attached electronic greeting as is. The text message will help the recipients of this message in viewing this greeting on their computer.\n\n\nAttached is the electronic edition of a greeting created using Microsoft Greetings Workshop. \n\nTo see this greeting, please follow these steps :\n1. Check that your computer has an Intel x86 or Pentium processor.\n2. Check that your computer is running Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 or Windows NT .\n3. Check that you have an Internet Web Browser installed on your computer. **\n4. If you see an icon at the top of the message, double-click on it to see the greeting.\n\n 31 If you do not see an icon, it is possible that your electronic mail software received the attachment to the message as separate file. Please refer to your electronic mail software on how to save attachments from an e-mail message. After you get the greeting as an attachment, double-click on that greeting to see it.\n\n**Here is how you can get a Web browser :\n1. Contact your Internet Service Provider. Most Internet Service Providers include access to Internet and an Internet Browser as a part of their service.\n2. You can purchase 'Microsoft Internet Starter Kit' from your nearest software retailer. It includes Internet Service from MSN and the Web browser, Microsoft Internet Explorer.\n 32 Cannot find the project you want. Please choose another project. 33 The file you selected is in use by another application.\n\nTry this : Select another project or close the file from the other application and try again. 34 Greetings Workshop can not create electronically sendable greeting from this file. This file is either corrupt or it is not a Greetings Workshop project file.\n\nTry this : Please choose another file. 35 Greetings from 36 Greetings Workshop can not generate electronically sendable edition of your project due to low memory.\n\nTry this : Close other applications on your computer and then try again. 37 Greetings Workshop 38 Could not create electronically sendable edition of your project due to low free disk space on drive %s.\n\nTry this : Create free disk space on this drive and then try again. 39 Greetings Workshop is already running on your computer.\n\nUse the Taskbar on your Windows desktop to work with Greetings Workshop. 40 Unable to start Greetings Workshop . Please try again. 41 Greetings Workshop can not start Windows Message Service on your computer.\n\nWindows Message Service is needed to send your greeting by e-mail.\n\nTry this : Check that your e-mail software is correctly installed, then send your greeting again. 42 Greetings Workshop can not start Windows Message Service on your computer.\n\nWindows Message Service is needed to send your greeting by e-mail.\n\nTry this : Check that your e-mail software is correctly installed, then send your greeting again. 43 How to send greeting 44 How to preview greeting 104 Creating an electronically sendable edition of your project ... 105 Greetings Workshop 106 There's not enough memory on your machine to send your greeting.\n\nIf you're running other programs, save your work and\nclose these programs. Then try to send your greeting again. 107 There's not enough disk space on your machine to send your greeting.\n\nRemove any files that you don't need, or transfer some\nfiles to a floppy disk or to another drive on your machine.\nThen try to send your greeting again. 109 Greetings Workshop cannot send your greeting\nbecause a component program is missing.\n\nTry this: Close all open programs, restart your computer,\nand then run the setup again\nso that the missing part can be located. Then launch Greetings\nagain and try to send your greeting. 110 Reinstall 111 GWID 112 \webbase\mmbase