scene-handler V0.8 (1999-10-16)

This program mounts a MovieShop Scene / Partition.

The latest Version can be found under:
My HomePage:


68020+, MUI 3.x, AmigaOS 2.04? (Tested: 3.1)
The GUI requires MUI 3.x (Tested: 3.8)


This program allows You to mount a MovieShop Scene / Partition.

Now You can access all the JPEGs and the sound directly!

The sound of a Scene can be replaced.

It's designed for MovieShop V4.2/V4.3.
I will not write a version for MovieShop V5 until I can use it on my Amiga!

General Usage

Only Scene-/Project-Files with Video AND Audio are supported!!

The program (GUI&CLI) will mount a new device. If not other specified, the is the name "SCE:" (if already used: SCE0:, SCE1:...). The volume will have the name of the Scene-/Project-File.

In the new device You'll find all Scenes/Groups. The comment of a Dir/File shows the length, and other useful informations. A Scene can be many joines Parts. In a Scene directory You'll find PIC00, PIC01, PIC02,... which containes each one Part of the Scene - many JPEGs. And similar SNDxx.
And in each Scene and Group is a directory called PIC, wich contains all the Parts of a Scene / all Scenes and Groups of a Group. And similar SND.
If a Scene has only one Part or with the activated "Hide Parts" option, the Files/Dirs PICxx and SNDxx will be invisible.
All these Sound files, with the name SND and SNDxx are the RAW-Sound-Files - be careful when accessing.
The file SND.AIFF contains the same sound like SND, and a correct AIFF-Header.
Only 8 and 16 bit AIFFs are supported, aLaw/µLaw-AIFFs will look like 8bit AIFFs, and sould not be used.

To stop the scene-handler just send the packet ACTION_DIE to the handler (Programs like UnMount allow that, NEVER use "assign SCE: dismount") or send a CTRL-C to the program, or press the "Unmount"-Button (GUI Only).

Hey, please send me an Email, what You're thinking about it.

GUI Usage

To start the GUI, just lauch the program from WB, or use the parameter GUI.

First, select the exported Scene (aka Scene-File) or a Project (aka Project-File) or a Backup-File to restore the data.

Then select the type You want:

View-Only Just have a look to a Project-File, see what for Scenes are inside.
No Partition access at all.
Read-Only Read JPEGs and Sound.
Read-Write Read JPEGs and Sound.
Now, it's possible to overwrite the RAW-Sound.
Backup Make a backup from the Project.
This option will generate some Files (of a specified size) with ALL data in it.
The Project-File, Video- and Audio-Data (only used) will be stored.
Restore You have to select one of the Backup-Files (DATA.XXX).
Now You must enter the names of the Partitions to use (overwrite!).
You can restore the data to another Partitions, than the original, they must be only big enough to keep the data.
After that You must copy the backuped files (except the DATA.000) back to the device. After a correct restore there will be appear the Project-File on the device. You should use that Project-File, cause the references to the Video- and Audio-Partition are set in this file correctly.

CLI Usage


The Demo-Version (unregistred) has the following restrictions:


The program is Shareware.
It will cost ~15,- EURO. Wait for the next version for the registration details...
Use it at Your own risk!


  • First release

©1999 ALeX Kazik · last update 16-Oct-1999