Welcome to the MUI lottery, another unique and new idea in the Amiga shareware scene. The MUI lottery gives you a chance to win some really nice and valuable prizes if you register for MUI. We hope you like this idea and that it makes supporting MUI and the shareware concept a little more thrilling and a little more fun. Here's how it works...

The Rules

When you place your MUI order on our website, we'll offer you several different software packages in addition. Simply choose the one you'd like to receive in case you win. That's it, there's nothing more to do for you. There's of course no extra fee for participation in this lottery, it's completely free of charge!

Drawings for the MUI lottery take place on a monthly basis. At the end of every month, one lucky winner is selected randomly from all customers who registered during this period. It doesn't matter if you order a full MUI or just an upgrade, taking part in the lottery is possible in either case.

A monthly drawing is always scheduled for the first few days of the following month after all orders are collected. If you happen to be a lucky person and win your drawing, you'll be immeditately informed by email. A few days later, your pre-selected prize will reach you.

You can of course also decide not to take part in the lottery, but why would want to do that? Participation is completely free, there are no extra costs involved. Anyway, since the MUI lottery is web and email based, you can only gamble if you place your order online with this web service, have a reliable email address and select email shipment of your MUI registration.

The Prizes

Due to the kindness of our sponsors, you have the chance to select between different prizes if you take part in the MUI lottery. A big thanks must go to all companies and authors who provide these products.
Vaporware and it's authors have always been great supporters of MUI. Their software covers all Internet related topics for Amiga computers and serves as an example of excellent MUI programming. Give it a try!
The Premier Amiga IRC Client
Faaaast WWW browser
Internet Mail & News Reader
Amiga ntalk daemon & client
Small, fast terminal.
Full-featured telnet client
Integrated FTP/Archie/ADT client
Miami Miami is a new TCP/IP protocol stack to access the Internet by modem, cable modem or ISDN, or to access local networks by Ethernet/Arcnet. It's main features are a very easy and completely GUI-driven configuration, integrated dialer, builtin highspeed PPP/SLIP protocols and SANA-II compatibility for Ethernet/Arcnet access. Miami was written by Holger Kruse and is available from Nordic Global Inc. and through other distributors worldwide.

If you are a distributor of Amiga software or hardware, you might think about sponsoring this lottery too. All good products are welcome, they don't necessarily need to be related to MUI. If you're interested, please contact mui@sasg.com for details.

The Winners

Congratulations to all winners... YOU DID IT!

We hope you'll have a lot of fun with your prizes! Thank you very much again for taking part in this little game and for supporting MUI and the Amiga shareware scene!

Drawing Lucky User Famous prize
January 97 Paul Vallis from California AmIRC
February 97 Mark Bailey from Ohio Voyager
March 97 Steve Lombardi from New York Voyager
April 97 Eero Rantanen from Finland AmTelnet
May 97 Neil Harrison from England Voyager
June 97 Matthias Kraft from Germany AmFTP
July 97 This could be you ... ... and your prize!

So... do you want to be a winner too? Then don't hesitate... order now!

Copyright 1997, SASG HomeHelpFeedbackOrderAbout Updated: 02-Jul-97