This is a list of all currently available MagicWB applications on Aminet, the biggest collection of freely distributable Amiga Software. Click on a file name to download a specific archive or click on the description string to get more detailed information.

Note to authors: If your archive is on AmiNet but not in this list, please include the word 'MagicWB' or 'MWB' in the short description or file name of your next upload.

This list is sorted by age, newest applications on top. The MWB supplements list is also available sorted by directory to allow a better overview.

  Date       Name                Directory   Size  Description

  08-Jul-97  IconUpdate.lha      biz/dopus    14K  MagicWB IconUpdate for DOpus 5.x
  27-Jun-97  CanonMWB.lha        pix/mwb      44K  Canon BJC-610/620 Icons for Magic Workbe
  15-Jun-97  MWB_HDs2.lha        pix/mwb      19K  Some more HD-Icons in Magic-Workbench st
  12-Jun-97  loonybd1.lha        pix/mwb     2.2M  More cool backdrops for MWB
  09-Jun-97  MWBArchive.lha      pix/mwb     869K  200+ MWB ImageDrawers and 600+ Icons
  08-Jun-97  SAMWB6.lha          pix/mwb     499K  New MagicWB2.0 Icons/ImageDrawers/...
  08-Jun-97  MagicWB21p.lha      util/wb     600K  The standard Workbench enhancer
  26-May-97  loonybd0.lha        pix/mwb     1.5M  Some cool backdrops for MWB
  25-May-97  mwbdm2.lha          pix/mwb       1K  Magic Workbench icon for Diskmaster II.
  21-May-97  MagicStartMenu.lha  pix/mwb     190K  Give StartMenu a MWB look and style! (V2
  19-May-97  prepad-Diavolo.lha  pix/mwb      12K  Diavolo Backup style for MUI.
  19-May-97  MagicMenu2MUI.lha   pix/mwb       4K  Magic Menu 2 style images for MUI.
  19-May-97  Ai_MWB2.lha         pix/mwb      39K  VideoGirl Ai MWB Pic by PirlAGA
  19-May-97  RabbitPattern6.lha  pix/mwb     2.3M  RabbitPatterns 6 - Multicolor patterns
  13-May-97  MWB_HDicons.lha     pix/mwb      81K  Some HD-Icons in Magic-Workbench style
  05-May-97  FreshIconsV121.lha  pix/icon    1.0M  16Color MagicWB2 compatible Iconset V1.2
  28-Apr-97  wms_brushes.lha     pix/mwb     253K  MWB 8-Color Brushes for Toolmanager-Dock
  26-Apr-97  MD-Worms.lha        pix/mwb       9K  WormsDC  - 8 Colours MWB Icons
  25-Apr-97  Ai_MWB1.lha         pix/mwb      79K  VideoGirl Ai MWB Pic by PirlAGA
  24-Apr-97  AnimBrushes.lha     pix/icon     35K  23 AnimBrushes for Toolmanager-Docks (Ma
  19-Apr-97  OlafsWB.lha         pix/wb      335K  2 WBPics without MagicWB Colors, 256Colo
  13-Apr-97  SMIcons.lha         pix/mwb     872K  Icons and backgrounds for MWB people.
  12-Apr-97  EmBackdrops2.lha    pix/mwb     273K  Grey-scale background images for MagicWB
  03-Apr-97  AMI.lha             pix/mwb     448K  Another MagicWB Icon Collection
  30-Mar-97  magichorus.lha      pix/mwb      97K  Icon collection in 16 colors
  27-Mar-97  MagicDiskIcons.lha  pix/mwb     119K  MagicWB icons and some dock icons for To
  26-Mar-97  wb-pairs.lha        game/think   26K  Like Pairs but for MagicWB   v1.1
  18-Mar-97  AE_MagicWBIcon.lha  biz/haage     2K  ArtEffect MagicWB Icon
  18-Mar-97  imagery.lha         pix/mwb     233K  The Imagery, Set of gfx to MWB, Toolmana
  07-Mar-97  Wbprefsi.lha        pix/mwb       5K  Icons for prefs drawer
  02-Mar-97  AWebMWB.lha         comm/www      2K  MagicWB style buttons for AWeb-II
  26-Feb-97  hamwb.lha           util/wb      25K  Run Workbench in 4096 or 262144 colors
  23-Feb-97  UselessMWB4.lha     pix/mwb      65K  16 patterns for MagicWB
  14-Feb-97  EmBackdrops.lha     pix/mwb     995K  Grey-scale background images for MagicWB
  20-Jan-97  MiamiMWBIcons.lha   pix/mwb      33K  MWB icons and dock for Miami! (v1.2)
  19-Jan-97  samwb5.lha          pix/mwb     1.3M  New MagicWB2.0 Icons/ImageDrawers/...
  16-Jan-97  RomIcons8.lha       pix/mwb     197K  Re-upload of my MWB style icon-set #8
  16-Jan-97  RomIcons7.lha       pix/mwb     198K  Re-upload of my MWB style icon-set #7
  16-Jan-97  RomIcons6.lha       pix/mwb      40K  Re-upload of my MWB style icon-set #6
  12-Jan-97  RomIcons5.lha       pix/mwb      63K  Re-upload of my MWB style icon-set #5
  12-Jan-97  RomIcons4.lha       pix/mwb      49K  Re-upload of my MWB style icon-set #4
  12-Jan-97  RomIcons3.lha       pix/mwb      41K  Re-upload of my MWB style icon-set #3
  12-Jan-97  RomIcons2.lha       pix/mwb      33K  Re-upload of my MWB style icon-set #2
  12-Jan-97  RomIcons1.lha       pix/mwb      65K  Re-upload of my MWB style icon-set #1
  04-Jan-97  FennWB.lha          pix/mwb     316K  Sherilyn Fenn WB backdrops using MWB pal
  03-Jan-97  AF-MWBdocks1.lha    pix/mwb      11K  Nice MWB-Dockicons (Cinema4D/Photogenics
  03-Jan-97  AF-ZIPdisk-MWB.lha  pix/mwb       1K  VERY nice MWB-Icon for ZIP-Disks
  03-Jan-97  TomIcons5.lha       pix/mwb     416K  16 Colour MagicWB Icons, StartMenu brush
  30-Dec-96  CrampsCyberWB.lha   pix/wb      265K  This is a snapshot of my 800*600 MagicWB
  28-Dec-96  RabbitIcons18.lha   pix/mwb     253K  MagicRabbits ICON collection 18
  28-Dec-96  RabbitIcons15.lha   pix/mwb     138K  MagicRabbits ICON collection 15 (Forgott
  28-Dec-96  APFonts.lha         text/bfont  201K  Some fonts for MagicWB based desktops
  28-Dec-96  TTIcons.lha         pix/mwb     363K  New MagicWB2.0-style icons and stuff
  19-Dec-96  magicD7.lha         pix/mwb     151K  Icons, Docks, Pointer, Brushes for Magic
  18-Dec-96  magicparnet.lha     comm/net     97K  Best ParNET-Package! MagicWB,CIA-Checker
  18-Dec-96  ismagicwb.lha       util/wb       4K  Detect MagicWB in Installerscripts (Auth
  11-Dec-96  MWBMUI.lha          pix/mwb     441K  Several presets MUI ready to use.
  11-Dec-96  hamwb2.lha          util/wb      25K  4096 or 262144 color workbench - Many Mo
  09-Dec-96  Gothbench.lha       pix/back    441K  Darken your WB; Wrks well w/MagicWB icon
  06-Dec-96  MWBenvSTM.lha       pix/mwb      14K  Sets brushes for the GoldED's toolbar of
  06-Dec-96  MWBenvCCP.lha       pix/mwb       2K  Sets brushes for the GoldED's toolbar of
  03-Dec-96  MagicCountry.lha    pix/mwb     290K  New edition with new icons and flags.
  03-Dec-96  MWBenvWRD.lha       pix/mwb      11K  Sets brushes for the GoldED's toolbar of
  03-Dec-96  MWBJanet.lha        pix/back    342K  Grey-scale backdrop images for MagicWB o
  23-Nov-96  RomShaShi.lha       pix/mwb      20K  Best MagicWB Icons for ShapeShifter
  23-Nov-96  WBprefs.lha         pix/mwb     307K  I love MUI II...this is how to look like
  21-Nov-96  md-tpp5i.lha        pix/mwb      12K  TurboPrint Professional 5 - MWB Icons
  19-Nov-96  SmallMWBIcons.lha   pix/icon      3K  Some HQ small MagicWB 1:1 icons (Ram,HD,
  05-Nov-96  wbsly.lha           pix/mwb      65K  MWB-WB-Picture
  03-Nov-96  samwb4.lha          pix/mwb     940K  New MagicWB2.0 Icons/ImageDrawers/...
  02-Nov-96  VTXT-MWBIcons.lha   pix/mwb       9K  MagicWB icons for VideoText software
  27-Oct-96  MWB_DOpus8c.lha     pix/mwb     370K  Opus5.5/ToolManager small 2-frame icons
  20-Oct-96  RabbitIcons17.lha   pix/mwb     281K  MagicRabbits ICON collection 17
  13-Oct-96  PictureMenu_v2.lha  util/wb     128K  Add anim-pictures to WB menu (MagicWB-st
  09-Oct-96  MWBenvwww.lha       pix/mwb      29K  MagicWB ToolBar for GoldED's envwww
  04-Oct-96  TragicWB.lha        util/boot     7K  Substitute for the MagicWB pens daemon.
  04-Oct-96  MWB_Stuff_6.lha     pix/mwb     423K  MWB16 Icons, Patterns, & stuff.
  03-Oct-96  HKFonts8.lha        text/font    60K  Bitmap font and MagicWB icon collection 
  13-Sep-96  MWBGoldED.lha       pix/mwb     424K  MWB icons and dock-anims for GoldED
  12-Sep-96  MagicDock.lha       pix/mwb     843K  Set of docks-anim for MagicWB with an si
  12-Sep-96  MagicAminet.lha     pix/mwb      61K  Sets of Icons for the CD-ROMs AMINET.
  11-Sep-96  ATRcons2.lha        pix/mwb     298K  A.T.R. MWB-Icons Vol.2,Patterns,BPic-Bru
  11-Sep-96  DEAGAPat3.lha       pix/mwb     428K  Fantasy backdrops for MWB & MagicCopper;
  06-Sep-96  MWBSonicIcon.lha    pix/mwb       2K  Sonic  the Hedgehog MWB icon
  06-Sep-96  mwbtc.lha           pix/mwb      32K  MWB icons and docks-anim for TimeConnect
  03-Sep-96  SIPack1.lha         pix/mwb      75K  The Simpsons - MagicWB IconPack#1
  30-Aug-96  RavestarMWB.lha     pix/wb      218K  Snapshot of Ravestar`s MagicWB with Cybe
  25-Aug-96  MWBIBrowse.lha      pix/mwb     176K  A little anim for IBrowse with MWB (8 co
  25-Aug-96  MagicHorus.lha      pix/mwb      97K  Icon collection in 16 colors
  21-Aug-96  nw_icons.lha        pix/mwb      18K  MagicWB icons for NWiper
  21-Aug-96  nt_icons.lha        pix/mwb      40K  MagicWB icons for NTitler
  20-Aug-96  jtemwb9se.lha       pix/mwb      55K  40+ new (old?) MWB Icons from JTE
  15-Aug-96  RabbitIcons16.lha   pix/mwb     187K  MagicRabbits ICON collection 16
  30-Jul-96  littleIcons.lha     pix/mwb     208K  Set of little MagicWB Icons
  24-Jul-96  DEAGAPat2.lha       pix/mwb     520K  Fantasy backdrops for MWB & MagicCopper;
  21-Jul-96  RabbitPattern5.lha  pix/mwb     1.7M  MagicRabbits Pattern collection 5
  15-Jul-96  LoTIcon2.lha        pix/mwb      42K  Drawer-Icons 4 various sizes
  15-Jul-96  SmMWBIcons.lha      pix/mwb      77K  MWB style icons and brushes for StartMen
  15-Jul-96  JustSomeMWB.lha     pix/mwb     158K  MagicWB icons, a cool story and about th
  14-Jul-96  OneStepAhead.gif    pix/wb      158K  Snapshot of dbalster's WB (NO MagicWB)
  11-Jul-96  TwistedHTML.lha     docs/hyper  129K  Docs in HTML format for "TwistedMagicWB.
  11-Jul-96  NewTextIcons.lha    pix/mwb     238K  New MagicWB text icons according to Roma
  11-Jul-96  AlotOfAGI.lha       pix/mwb     192K  Alot of Amiga-Guide icons in Roman's sty
  10-Jul-96  ToccataMWB.lha      pix/mwb       5K  Set of MagicWB-Icons for use with the To
  30-Jun-96  amigavoy.lha        pix/back     40K  Star Trek Voyager Background-pic for Mag
  23-Jun-96  samwb_3.lha         pix/mwb     263K  New MagicWB2.0 Icons/ImageDrawers/...
  22-Jun-96  tmwbahtml.lha       pix/mwb     133K  Twisted Magic Workbench Documentation in
  20-Jun-96  jtemwb10.lha        pix/mwb      48K  JTE MagicWB Icons 10
  17-Jun-96  wangi_pat03.lha     pix/mwb     144K  40 more MagicWB patterns (.gif)
  13-Jun-96  RabbitIcons14.lha   pix/mwb      68K  MagicRabbits ICON collection 14
  10-Jun-96  rigsbys_icons1.lha  pix/mwb      49K  Smart Dock Icons For Use With AmiDock
  05-Jun-96  MelkorMWB.lha       pix/mwb     1.9M  How to make BEAUTIFULL MWB backgrounds
  23-May-96  wangi_pat02.lha     pix/mwb      68K  40 more MagicWB patterns (.gif)
  22-May-96  RabbitIcons13.lha   pix/mwb      63K  MagicRabbits ICON collection 13
  14-May-96  ATRcons1.lha        pix/mwb     122K  A.T.R. MWB-Icons Vol.1 and a new AGA-Boo
  13-May-96  RabbitIcons12.lha   pix/mwb      88K  MagicRabbits ICON collection 12
  13-May-96  cedi01.lha          pix/mwb     349K  CedIcons 01 MagicWB 8-color Icons/TM bru
  08-May-96  wangi_pat01.lha     pix/mwb      82K  40 MagicWB patterns (.gif)
  01-May-96  B-Patterns1.0.lha   pix/mwb      13K  B-Patterns: Cool MagicWB Patterns
  30-Apr-96  mnt_icons_2.lha     pix/mwb      50K  Some more MagicWB Icons (package 2)
  29-Apr-96  TwistedMagicWB.lha  pix/mwb     399K  Twisted Magic Workbench by Korneel Ketel
  29-Apr-96  TMWBAddendum.lha    pix/mwb     158K  Twisted Magic Workbench Addendum by Korn
  26-Apr-96  SAMWB.lha           pix/mwb     305K  New MagicWB2.0 Icons/ImageDrawers/...
  12-Apr-96  MWB_Stuff_52.lha    pix/mwb     880K  MWB Icons, Patterns and stuff
  08-Apr-96  UselessMWB3.lha     pix/mwb     102K  16 patterns for MagicWB
  08-Apr-96  ModelerMWBIcon.lha  pix/mwb       3K  MagicWB-style icon for the LightWave Mod
  31-Mar-96  EmBackdrops.lha     pix/back    987K  Grey-scale background images for MagicWB
  30-Mar-96  RabbitIcons11.lha   pix/mwb      38K  MagicRabbits ICON collection 11
  30-Mar-96  MUI-MWB_Icons.lha   pix/mwb     715K  MWB-Icons im MUI Style
  28-Mar-96  IDP_I.lha           pix/mwb      88K  Icon Developers Package I - helps to mak
  24-Mar-96  RabbitPattern4.lha  pix/mwb     1.5M  MagicRabbits Pattern collection 4
  20-Mar-96  MWBDrws_626.lha     pix/mwb     449K  MWB ImageDrawers Full Collection (626 dr
  20-Mar-96  MWBDrws_U01.lha     pix/mwb      80K  MWB ImageDrawers Collection Update 01
  20-Mar-96  RynoIcons3.lha      pix/mwb     118K  A set of Magic Workbench style icons
  20-Mar-96  SynIcon.lha         pix/mwb       4K  MagicWB icon for Bullfrogs "Syndicate" g
  20-Mar-96  Colorado.lha        util/wb     194K  Replaces the MagicWB-Demon.
  16-Mar-96  mwb-zipicon.lha     pix/mwb       3K  The 1st *pretty* XEN ZiPdrive icon.
  16-Mar-96  SJMagicWB.lha       pix/mwb      27K  New, but small MWB Collection
  15-Mar-96  UselessMWB2.lha     pix/mwb      62K  16 patterns for MagicWB
  10-Mar-96  TinyMWBCol1_6.lha   pix/mwb     181K  MagicWB-Stuff and MORE! (V1.6)
  09-Mar-96  PetersIcons.lha     pix/boot    690K  16 color MagicWB style icons & bootpics
  08-Mar-96  LW-MWB-Icon.lha     pix/mwb       2K  MagicWB-style icon for LightWave
  03-Mar-96  astami16mwbicn.lha  pix/mwb       7K  16 Color MWB-Icons for AST and Aminet-CD
  04-Feb-96  LoT_MWBIcons01.lha  pix/mwb      39K  PTMod by Latte of Texxid
  31-Jan-96  RabbitIcons10.lha   pix/mwb      48K  MagicRabbits ICON collection 10
  31-Jan-96  dmwbacks.lha        pix/icon    345K  New MagicWB2.0 Backgrounds
  29-Jan-96  TomIcons4.lha       pix/mwb     746K  Magic Workbench 2.0 16 colour icons, a b
  28-Jan-96  amiga-tng2.lha      pix/mwb     183K  TNG-WB 2nd Version PREViEW (JPG)
  28-Jan-96  LoT.MWB-Backs3.lha  pix/mwb     119K  MagicWB-Backgrounds
  28-Jan-96  RabbitPattern3.lha  pix/mwb     463K  MagicRabbits Pattern collection 3
  28-Jan-96  RabbitPattern2.lha  pix/mwb     618K  MagicRabbits Pattern collection 2
  28-Jan-96  RabbitPattern1.lha  pix/mwb     1.0M  MagicRabbits Pattern collection 1
  22-Jan-96  MagicAl1.lha        pix/mwb     359K  New version of MagicAl icons.
  22-Jan-96  MagicBD4.lha        pix/mwb     567K  MWB 3bitplane 720x536 pictures
  22-Jan-96  MagicBD3.lha        pix/mwb     604K  MWB 3bitplane 720x536 pictures
  22-Jan-96  MagicBD2.lha        pix/mwb     818K  MWB 3bitplane 720x536 pictures
  22-Jan-96  MagicBD1.lha        pix/mwb     1.3M  MWB 3bitplane 720x536 pictures
  21-Jan-96  RabbitIcons9.lha    pix/mwb      45K  MagicRabbits ICON collection 9
  21-Jan-96  RabbitIcons8.lha    pix/mwb      50K  MagicRabbits ICON collection 8
  21-Jan-96  RabbitIcons7.lha    pix/mwb     1.0M  MagicRabbits ICON collection 7
  21-Jan-96  RabbitIcons6.lha    pix/mwb     248K  MagicRabbits ICON/Pattern collection 6
  16-Jan-96  RAM-icon.lha        pix/mwb      10K  Replaces RAM-icons (Disk, Env, T, Clipbo
  16-Jan-96  m-u-i.lha           pix/mwb     142K  New MagicWB2.0 Icons/ImageDrawers/...
  15-Jan-96  CountryIcons.lha    pix/mwb      19K  Country drawer icons for MWB (mostly nor
  15-Jan-96  RabbitIcons2.lha    pix/mwb     1.2M  MagicRabbits ICON/Pattern collection 2
  14-Jan-96  awmwb3.lha          pix/mwb     136K  ALL Net icons,DefIcons,AB3D,F1GP+more   
  14-Jan-96  RabbitIcons5.lha    pix/mwb     711K  MagicRabbits ICON/Pattern collection 5
  14-Jan-96  RabbitIcons4.lha    pix/mwb     273K  MagicRabbits ICON/Pattern collection 4
  14-Jan-96  RabbitIcons3.lha    pix/mwb     1.1M  MagicRabbits ICON/Pattern collection 3
  14-Jan-96  RabbitIcons1.lha    pix/mwb     1.6M  MagicRabbits ICON/Pattern collection 1
  09-Jan-96  MWBZipIcon.lha      pix/icon      2K  MagicWB style icon for Zip disks
  05-Jan-96  MotoWB-1.1.lha      util/wb      36K  Motorola backdrops for MagicWB v2. V1.1
  20-Dec-95  mnt_icons.lha       util/wb     196K  MagicWB Icons,APIs,Docks,Artwork,...
  20-Dec-95  MagicBGs6.lha       pix/mwb     762K  New breathtaking patterns for MagicWB
  18-Dec-95  ACKicons01.lha      pix/mwb     185K  First collection of ACK's MagicWB icons
  17-Dec-95  UselessMWB.lha      pix/mwb      37K  YACUMWBBPC (Patterns for MWB)
  16-Dec-95  PATZ-MWBIcons.lha   pix/icon    184K  MagicWB icon set by PATZ
  14-Dec-95  jtemwb8.lha         pix/mwb      48K  JTE MagicWB Icons 8
  14-Dec-95  jtemwb7.lha         pix/mwb      60K  JTE MagicWB Icons 7
  14-Dec-95  jtemwb6.lha         pix/mwb     318K  JTE MagicWB Icons 6
  14-Dec-95  jtemwb5.lha         pix/mwb     105K  JTE MagicWB Icons 5
  15-Nov-95  ACal12.lha          util/time    30K  Calendar for MagicWB.
  06-Nov-95  MagicWB20e.lha      biz/demo    270K  The standard for the Amiga workbench!
  05-Nov-95  RynoIcons2.lha      pix/mwb      94K  A set of Magic Workbench style icons
  17-Oct-95  mwcb.lha            pix/mwb      51K  My small MagicWB collection
  01-Oct-95  TNG-WB09.lha        pix/mwb     3.6M  TNG-WB Version 0.9 
  22-Sep-95  RomImages.lha       pix/mwb     822K  Grey-scale background images for MagicWB
  22-Sep-95  RomIcons10.lha      pix/mwb     466K  New MagicWB Icons/TM-Docks/Samples/...
  18-Sep-95  MWB_DOpus_7.lha     pix/mwb     513K  DOpus5 Icons/Patterns/ARexx/Utils/Hints
  14-Sep-95  ShapeShiftICC3.lha  pix/mwb      75K  MagicWB Icons for ShapeShifter & BootPic
  31-Aug-95  RynoIcons.lha       pix/mwb      84K  A set of Magic Workbench style icons
  28-Aug-95  MagicBGs5.lha       pix/mwb     244K  New breathtaking patterns for MagicWB
  26-Aug-95  TomIcons3.lha       pix/mwb     584K  Magic Workbench 2.0 16 colour icons for 
  20-Aug-95  TomIcons2.lha       pix/mwb     519K  Magic Workbench 2.0 16 colour Icon Packa
  20-Aug-95  Mac_Icons.lha       pix/mwb      14K  MBW icons for ShapeShifter or Emplant
  17-Aug-95  SmallMagicApps.lha  pix/mwb      38K  SmallMagic Icons 4 your favorite Apps
  10-Aug-95  TomIcons.lha        pix/mwb     400K  Magic Workbench 2.0 16 colour icons plus
  10-Aug-95  tomicons.lha        pix/mwb     400K  Magic Workbench 2.0 16 colour icons plus
  26-Jul-95  MagicIcons3.lha     pix/mwb      16K  Small MagicWB Icon-package
  22-Jul-95  MagWBStuff4upd.lha  pix/mwb     386K  More pix which didn't make it into relea
  21-Jul-95  tf_26x17.lha        pix/mwb      70K  Non-gradient MagicWB-style DOpus5 Images
  20-Jul-95  MagicDopus.lha      pix/icon     14K  MagicWB update for dopus 5 buttons
  17-Jul-95  MWB_DOpus_6.lha     pix/mwb     288K  Prof DOpus MWB patrns, btns, icns, full 
  13-Jul-95  IconArchive.lha     pix/mwb     1.0M  IconArchive (over 1000 MagicWB icons)
  13-Jul-95  SmallBenchUpd1.lha  pix/mwb      58K  Icons for nonlace WB - update1
  11-Jul-95  SmallMagic1-4.lha   pix/mwb     214K  The MagicWB based icons for nonlaced WBs
  07-Jul-95  magical0.lha        pix/mwb      81K  A new MagicWB package
  29-Jun-95  MWBMac.lha          pix/mwb       6K  My personal MWB-Icons for ShapeShifter o
  02-Jun-95  RomIcons9.lha       pix/icon    336K  New MagicWB2.0 Icons/ImageDrawers/...
  18-May-95  ArcsPack-7.lha      pix/back    642K  ECS/AGA/MagicWB Backdrops Vol 7 by ARCTA
  17-May-95  Arnold-1.lha        pix/mwb     684K  Docks/Icons/Pictures..for MagicWB & TM
  11-May-95  SmallBench11.lha    pix/mwb     243K  MWB icons & MUI images for non-laced WBe
  07-May-95  DOpus5_PIcn.lha     pix/mwb     101K  Directory Opus 5: MWB Icons for Listers
  07-May-95  AWMWB2_1.lha        pix/mwb      98K  Magic WorkBench icons V2.1 (Complete)
  07-May-95  AWMWB2UP.lha        pix/mwb      28K  Upgrade AWMWB2 to AWMWB2.1
  05-May-95  EGSMWB_Icons14.lha  pix/mwb     101K  MWB replacement for standard EGS-WB-Icon
  03-May-95  MagicIcons.lha      pix/mwb      58K  Small MagicWB Icon-package
  01-May-95  MMS-MWB-2.lha       pix/mwb      56K  More MagicWB style icons
  28-Apr-95  awmwb2.lha          pix/mwb      83K  MagicWB icons + *new* non-lace disk icon
  19-Apr-95  MS-MWB-1.lha        pix/mwb     234K  Collection of MagicWB style icons
  11-Apr-95  FoxxIcons2.lha      pix/mwb      43K  Pretty MWB Icons for Various Apps VOL 2
  11-Apr-95  DMS-Face.lha        util/arc    108K  Excellent MagicWB GUI front-end for DMS
  11-Apr-95  ImageDrawers.lha    pix/mwb      10K  Some more MagicWB-ImageDrawers
  11-Apr-95  MMS-MWB-1.lha       pix/mwb     234K  Collection of MagicWB style icons
  06-Apr-95  sylvainb.lha        pix/mwb     291K  Nice MagicWB Icons/Docks
  27-Mar-95  MagicWB1.3.lha      pix/mwb      46K  Finally, MAGIC WORKBENCH for OS1.3!
  22-Mar-95  NetIconsMWB-1.lha   pix/mwb       9K  MWB style Icons for Net programs
  21-Mar-95  MiscPattern1.lha    pix/mwb     438K  9 Misc patterns for MWB 2.0 and MS
  14-Mar-95  AmBoSIcons.lha      pix/mwb      17K  AmBoS Icons;  MagicWB Icons for AmBoS   
  10-Mar-95  Pattern9.lha        pix/mwb     107K  Pattern9 of MagicWBStuff3 as 800x600x3
  04-Mar-95  MgWBPallette.lha    util/wb     149K  MagicWB's like palette. Darker palette b
  22-Feb-95  ArcsPack-1.lha      pix/back    865K  MagicWB/AGA Backdrops & Startup images
  22-Feb-95  FoxxIcons1.lha      pix/mwb      88K  Pretty MWB Icons for Sound & Misc Apps
  22-Feb-95  MiniWBIcons.lha     pix/mwb      16K  Small icons, if you find MWB an eyesore
  13-Feb-95  MagicGaston.lha     pix/mwb     103K  Mutiple MWB-stuff like drawers,icons,fon
  11-Feb-95  R2_Palette1.lha     util/wb       0K  A palette for MagicWB,windowcolor -] gre
  04-Feb-95  R2_MWB-BackGr1.lha  pix/mwb       9K  16 color background for med-res (MWB)
  31-Jan-95  8COL-MWB-BRU.lha    pix/mwb      29K  8 Color (Magic WB Palette) Brushes.
  29-Jan-95  awmwb.lha           pix/mwb      56K  MWB icons, drawers, non-lace disk icons.
  23-Jan-95  MagicSAS11.lha      pix/mwb      28K  MagicWB icons for SAS/C
  31-Dec-94  MagicD6.lha         pix/icon    290K  Icons, Docks, Pointer, Brushes for Magic
  19-Dec-94  JTEMWB4.lha         pix/mwb      63K  Over 60 new MagicWB2 icons. Hope you lik
  19-Dec-94  JTEMWB3.lha         pix/mwb     209K  Some 190 MagicWB2 icons, imagedrawers an
  30-Nov-94  CreaTV-Icons.lha    pix/mwb     329K  Icons for MagicWB-styled Workbenches. V1
  29-Nov-94  MagicA2024_1_1.lha  util/wb      15K  Patch to remap MagicWB icons for A2024
  30-Oct-94  MgExpansion141.lha  pix/mwb     205K  Expansions for MUI+MWB (w/out char sets)
  18-Oct-94  TobiIcons-2.0.lha   pix/mwb     157K  MagicWB icons: Drawer, GoldED, TM-Dock
  17-Oct-94  MUGicWB2.lha        pix/mwb      35K  New release of icons for MagicWB2.0
  16-Oct-94  KTBrushs1a.lha      pix/mwb      15K  Internet/general Dock/MagicWB brushs
  16-Oct-94  KTBrushs1.lha       pix/icon     15K  Internet related & general ToolManager/M
  06-Oct-94  EnvoyMWBIcons.lha   pix/mwb      56K  MagicWB-Style Icons for Envoy
  04-Oct-94  MagicD3.lha         pix/mwb     237K  New Icons for MagicWB
  30-Aug-94  EMPICON5.lha        misc/emu      5K  MagicWB replacement icons for Emplant, b
  22-Aug-94  MagicWBPixII.lha    pix/mwb     826K  Stuff for Magic Workbench
  22-Aug-94  MagicWB2.txt        docs/rview   22K  Graphics: Magic Workbench version 2.0
  20-Aug-94  TauIcons17.lha      pix/mwb     104K  MagicWB style icons, v1.7
  16-Aug-94  MagicExpansion.lha  pix/mwb     274K  Expansions for MUI and MagicWB.
  18-Jul-94  MagicWBPix.lha      pix/back    721K  Magic workbench backdrops
  04-Jul-94  greatsascicons.lha  pix/mwb      33K  Great SAS C Icons (MagicWB style)
  05-Jun-94  GastonMWBIcons.lha  pix/mwb      76K  Another MWB Icon collection...
  13-May-94  DOOM-MagicWB.lha    pix/mwb     154K  MagicWB dockbrush collection and pattern
  09-May-94  MagicWB-BGs2.lha    pix/mwb     130K  10 new Magic-Backgrounds for your MagicW
  09-May-94  DaggeX-MWB.lha      gfx/x11       3K  MagicWB setup for DaggeX
  03-May-94  MagicWB-BGs.lha     pix/mwb     132K  11 new backgrounds for MagicWB
  18-Apr-94  hofiDI249.lha       pix/mwb     336K  249 icons for the ToolManager (MagicWB-p
  09-Apr-94  MUGicWB.lha         pix/mwb      39K  Yet another collection of MagicWB icons
  13-Mar-94  MgWBDockIcons.lha   pix/mwb      38K  MagicWB dock icons (8 colours)
  21-Feb-94  MWB_Icons-1.1.lha   pix/mwb      39K  Another MagicWB icon collection
  11-Feb-94  kmi2.lha            pix/mwb      52K  Kochtopf's MagicWB-Icons 2
  29-Jan-94  MWBNetDisk.lha      pix/mwb       1K  MagicWB Networked Disk Icon (NFS, ParNet
  18-Jan-94  SAS_Magic.lha       dev/c         7K  MagicWB style icons for SAS/C 6.00-6.50
  13-Dec-93  kmi.lha             pix/mwb      84K  Some Icons for MagicWB.
  20-Nov-93  MWB_8ColIcons.lzh   pix/mwb      92K  Real 8 colors MagicWB Icons !!!
  08-Nov-93  BudhaWB.lha         pix/wb       55K  Pic of Budha's WB using MagicWB.
  07-Nov-93  4ColMWBIcons.lha    pix/icon      6K  4 color icons inspired by MagicWB
  27-Sep-93  MagicIcons2.lha     pix/mwb      28K  Some new Icons for MagicWB
  07-Sep-93  MagicWB.txt         docs/rview   12K  Graphics: MagicWB t: Majic WB gotcha!

These were 277 entries with a total size of 73.7M.

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