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'''s~ Copy Library' Click this button to copy the selected library.' Open...' Click this button to open a library not shown in the list.' Close' Click this button to close the selected library.' Copy by ident' Check this box to copy formats by ident (vs. alphabetically).' Compare sizes after copying' Check this box to compare format sizes after copying.' Compare procedure texts after copying' Check this box to compare all procedure texts (slow, but thorough).' Check library variables after copying' Check this box to check library variable definitions a fter copying formats.' Build Lib List' Copy Selected Library' answer_big/20 'Could not access library ' 'warn' 'New Library' 'Save as:' Progress_Bar answer_big/20 Can''t create ' warn' libRef %%result %%path targetLibRef %%PATH %%RESU LIBREF TARGET y All Formats' Progress_Bar/10 'COPY ' Progress_Bar/11 'Prescanning formats...' ted formats! This library cannot be copied!' warn' Progress_Bar/11 'Setting attributes...' safety kludge 'pSourceLibRef.$prefs.' 'pTargetLibRef.$prefs.' answer_big/20 An error occurred while setting attributes in the target library!' warn' 'STARTUP' Progress_Bar/11 Checking ' answer_big/20 Size of f ormat data for ' has changed!' Continue' Stop' warn' Continue' pSourceLibRef pTargetLibRef fmtList fmtName fmtType fmtIdent %%attrname oldDesignLib attName attAssign fmtRef1 fmtRef2 %%result fmtProtect %%ATTR %%N1 %%RESU ATTASS ATTNAM FMTIDE FMTLIS FMTNAM FMTPRO FMTREF FMTREF FMTTYP OLDDES PSOURC PTARGE Copy Selected Formats' Progress_Bar/11 Copying ' answer_big/20 An error occurred while copying ' warn' answer_big/20 Can''t copy ' warn' 128000 answer_big Memory is getting low! Continue?' danger' pSourceLibRef pTargetLibRef fmtName fmtType fmtIdent fmtRef1 fmtRef2 %%result memWarned pFmtList %%RESU FMTIDE FMTNAM FMTREF FMTREF FMTTYP MEMWAR PFMTLI PSOURC PTARGE Compare Proc Text' not ' Continue' Cancel' danger' Continue' answer_big/20 'Library variable ' ' appears in ' ' but not in ' INDEX PFMT1 PFMT2 PROCRE PROCRE Check Lib Vars' Progress_Bar/11 'Checking library variables...' answer_big/20 'Library variable ' ' appears in ' ' butA CHECKLIB' STARTUP 'Library Copier' 'Splash' answer_big/20 Procedure texts in ' not identical!' Continue' Cancel' danger' Continue' pFmt1 pFmt2 index %%result procRef1 procRef2 Splash g*g=g ''gLgZg Written by Patrick Rigneyq Init' has changed!' Continue' Cancel' danger' Continue' pLib1 pLib2 varList , but is ' in ' answer_big/20 Continue' Cancel' danger' Continue' answer_big/20 'Length of library variable ' ' has changed!' Continue' Cancel' danger' Continue' answer_big/20 'Initial value of library variable ' ntinue' Cancel' danger' Continue' answer_big/20 Library variable ' is ' in ' , but is ' in ' Continue' Cancel' danger' Continue' Library variable ' is ' in ' varName varType varSubType varSubLen varInitVal varList2 %%result %%msg %result %%MSG %%RESU %RESUL PLIB1 PLIB2 VARINI VARLIS VARLIS VARNAM VARSUB VARSUB VARTYP Format Variables' fLibList fLibName fSortIdent fCheckSizes fCheckProcText 0..//., Helvetica 1Courier 1Times fCheckLibVars FCHEC /.,,g prompt_msg! affirm_answer! cancel_one! cancel_two! mod_mode! the_answer! display_icon AFFIRM CANCEL CANCEL DISPLA MOD_MO PROMPT THE_AN g gPq g gQq prompt_msg! the_answer! display_icon DISPLA PROMPT THE_AN prompt_msg start_val end_val cur_val whole_bar_width increment_msg progress_bar fCancelHit CUR_VA END_VA FCANCE INCREM PROGRE PROMPT START_ WHOLE_ gNgEq Currently on :q Format Variables' Library Copier v1.4q gLg?g Copyright FCHECK FCHECK FLIBLI FLIBNA FSORTI /.,,g (c) 1994, Blyth Software, Inc. All Rights Reservedq Use this utility to fully convert formats in Omnis 7 version 1 or version 2 libraries to Omnis 7 version 3 format.q