Inanimate Objects

Inanimate objects include all objects without consciousness. The classification, however, is a bit fuzzy and entities such as trees and gooey blobs are considered inanimate. Most inanimate objects can be further classified in one of the following categories: castles, growths, meditations, trees, and walls. Other inanimate objects are unique such as generators and tempests.

Castles: There are two objects in this subclass, namely the dark citadel and the magic castle. Both of these are also meditations. Magic castles and dark citadels exhibit identical behaviour, for more details about their use consult the spells section.

Growths: Growths are objects which if left to themselves and given sufficient time would expand to occupy all available space in the world. Gooey blob and fire are examples of growths. After spell casting each cell occupied by a growth might decide to grow. The cell can only expand in one direction at any particular time, but the direction of expansion is chosen at random. If players don't quickly take action to control the expansion of these growths then the growths will occupy large portions of the screen by the end of the game. Gooey blob will not cover other inanimate objects, but fire will eventually burn most objects. Clever players can use growths to their advantage (even when they don't own them).

Meditations: Meditations are used by wizards for meditation. Meditation is a process whereby a wizard can gain new spells. Some spells can only be obtained by meditation. To meditate a wizard simply climbs into a meditation object and waits for the object to collapse upon which a new spell will be granted. There are three objects in this subclass, namely, the magic castle, the magic wood, and the dark citadel.

Trees: The trees you find in this game (shadow wood and magic wood) are not like your average trees. The shadow wood has the ability to attack creatures that wander too close, whereas the magic wood may be used by a wizard for meditation.

Walls: There are three grades of wall: weak, standard, and strong. Each type of wall in a useful obstruction. Wall is particularly useful for checking the progress of growths or for blocking generators. As a subsidiary use wall is useful for building fortifications. Be aware that wall is not an obstruction to flying creatures. For the characteristics of the particular wall types consult the spells section.