Spell Casting

During spell casting each player who selected a spell during the spell selection stage will in turn get a chance to actuate the spell. In addition each generator on the screen might produce a creature.

For each player the spell selected is shown on the bottom line of the screen, together with the range for the spell; for example,

Gray Elf [2]

means we are casting a gray elf, and the elf can be cast either immediately adjacent to the wizard or one cell removed from the wizard. A range of zero means the spell can be cast simply by pressing the left mouse button and there is no need to select a cell. Such spells are usually special things such as magic wings or a sword for the wizard. The computer automatically applies the spell to the correct wizard or creature. Other spells have a range of fifty (such as cloak), these spells can be cast on any appropriate cell on the screen and do not require line of sight.

Most spells have a fixed range, measured in a straight line from the casting wizard. For instance, nearly all creatures have a range of one and so can only be cast immediately adjacent to the wizard. All these spells require line of sight. The line of sight is measured from the centre of the wizards cell to the centre of the destination cell. You can see over blank space, dead creatures, and fires. Sometimes line of sight can be obtained by waiting to an appropriate time in the animation sequence.2

Spells can be aborted by pressing the right mouse button. Aborted spells still get used up, so you should try to avoid having to abort spells. If you find yourself aborting spells often, you are probably not choosing spells appropriate to your situation.

Most spells can only be cast on certain types of cell (the program will notify you of any errors you make in selecting the cell). If you make an error you are free to choose a new cell. For instance, creatures can be cast on empty cells or cells containing dead creatures, but cannot be cast on other creatures or inanimate objects.

Generators may produce creatures on any cell adjacent to the generator which is empty, contains a dead creature, or contains a growth. Adjacent cells occupied by creatures, or inanimate objects will never be generated upon. Computer controlled wizards will attempt to cast a spell at their position in the sequence.