Shade Icons #3 contains 714 icons.
Icons have a 6 plans depth (64 colors. The palette uses 40 colors). I use them on a 256 colors Workbench screen or with an HAM8 one. On a 256 colors Workbench this raises no problem because a lot of colors are still available. But on an HAM-8 one this could raise some if you want to use colorful backgrounds (but if you use mine, no trouble :-). On the other hand, if you only use MagicWB (Icons and backs) a bit of color will not hurt you. And if you are using NewIcons a bit of style is really nice too (I dislike that drawers, tools, prefs have the same look...). All the way NewIcons are too small (to my mind), and they look so clony. (Clony : To look like those of a clone (PC))
I don't want controversies, I like really much MagicWB and NewIcons, but...
And what do you think about the bigs drawers? Yes a bit big, but nice, huumm? I have done them because I have space, and because I want them to be big, so...