Blittersoft Announces PCx: Software Pentium Emulator
The following information is from Blittersoft.
PCx is an all new 80x86 emulation. (Pentium and 686 instruction set, including Intel undocumented P5 instructions).
A DEMO disk is now available for free download. This allows you to try before you buy!
The speed is roughly 3 times faster than v2.3 of EMPLANT's e586DX emulation in protected mode (like Windows, DOOM, etc.)
It is about 50% faster in DOS mode. This speed increase is without the CPU transcription, which has finally been debugged.
There are restrictions on the DEMO version as follows :
Here are *some* of the features that are in the full release version:
If you are an owner of EMPLANT's e586DX emulation module, you can send in your original e586DX disk and get PCx for half the normal retail price.
More features will be added and we reserve the right to make changes without notice.
Download the DEMO version of PCx in LHA format
Download the DEMO version of PCx in DMS format
Price : 49.95 UKP (Europe)
Price : 59.95 USD (USA/Canada)
All orders MUST be placed through Blittersoft. US/Canadian orders shipped from within the US.
Worldwide dealers can contact Blittersoft for trade pricing.