FTP and Product Announcements

==                     FTP and Product Announcements                     ==

     ShadowStart 1.1         A "clean WB" boot utility

    ImageStudio 1.2.0        Image processing/conversion

        YACDP v1.2           Play audio CDs on SCSI-2

 ShadowStart 1.2 (V37/V40)   Deja vu.

      Fishing Report         Fred Fish speaks...

        AmigaFaces           Make your Amiga react to mail.

         FetchRefs           An AutoDoc/Include assister

      KingFisher 2.6         The famous database searcher...

| The 10 most downloaded files from Aminet during the week until 18-Dec-94
| Updated weekly. Most popular file on top.
|File               Dir        Size Description
|------------------ ---        ---- -----------
jfif_dtc.lha        util/wb     77K+New JFIF/JPEG datatype (OS 3.0+)
PCFloppy2Amiga.lha  hard/hack   19K+Use 1.44 PC drives as Amiga HD drives.
ArtSer37_6.lha      comm/misc    4K+Bugfixed and optimised serial.device
FastMath405.lha     util/libs   18K+Replaces the original math libraries
exept49.lha         util/boot   11K+ExecPatch 4.9 - KS 37.175+ Speedup
ipatch33.lha        util/boot    9K+IPatch 3.3 - Interrupt Speedup Patch
fears.lha           game/demo  223K+Demo of a Wolfenstein3D-like game !
AmigaXv121.lha      gfx/edit   241K+Xv - Image processing program AGA/OS3.0
MacSND-dtc-107.lha  util/wb     19K+DataType subclass for Mac sound
AIFF-dtc-110.lha    util/wb     16K+DataType subclass for AIFF sound files,

| The 10 most downloaded files from Aminet during the week until 30-Dec-94
| Updated weekly. Most popular file on top.
|File               Dir        Size Description
|------------------ ---        ---- -----------
jfif_FIX.lha        util/wb      4K+Bugfix for JFIF/JPEG datatype (AGA)
WBExtender201.lha   util/wb      7K+Workbench Extender  v2.01
AndroidNEW.lha      game/shoot 184K+A game of robots and rooms. very
ar234.lha           docs/mags  108K+Amiga Report 2.34, December 18, 1994
xanim3.lha          gfx/show   195K+XAnim - animation viewer amiga v3, at
clipart.lha         pix/misc   390K+104 Clipart pictures
DiskMon3_0.lha      disk/moni   72K+DiskMon,FileMon,Optimizer,Undelete ...
XMasTheme94.lha     mods/pro   140K+XMasTheme94 By Pirat
WinTris_111.lha     game/wb     89K+Workbench Tetris Clone v1.11 (Kick2.0+)


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