IAM Open Letter
Dear Amiga Community Member:
Please help us, we've been censored! We at IAM are offering new low sale
prices on our Amiga products, but we are now even more dependent than ever
on word-of-mouth to help us sell them. For the last six months, IAM has
been running a full-page advertisement in Amazing Computing, the last
general-interest Amiga print magazine left in North America. Our ad gives
information on all of our products. As of the December, 1996 issue, when
we were to announce a new product and major discounts on other products,
Amazing Computing will no longer allow us to pay to advertise our full
product line in their magazine. Details of this story are available on our
Web site, but the most important issue for us is that we have to get the
word out about our new low sale prices.
The Amiga community is too important to be torn apart by arguments or
grudges, or to be hampered by censorship. We still ask our North American
customers to continue supporting Amazing Computing, just as we ask them to
support all Amiga publishers. Call or write to Amazing Computing today.
Please say "I support free speech," as you subscribe or renew: Amazing
Computing, PIM Publications, P.O. Box 2140, Fall River, MA 02722-2140
1-508-678-4200, 1-800-345-3360, fax: 1-508-675-6002.
We also ask you to support IAM.
We need your help to spread the word about our products. Please tell your
friends about us, try to get our products listed in your user group
newsletter, put us on your BBS, link to us on your Web page, write positive
reviews of our products, or whatever you can do. Our web page is at
http://www.iam.com. If there is anything we can do to help you get the
word out, please contact us.
We are especially in need of help reaching people who can't find out about
us on the Internet.
Thank you in advance for whatever help you can give us.
Dale L. Larson
el Presidente
Intangible Assets Manufacturing
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