Vidamus Multimedia, Sweden, is licensed by AMIGA International, Inc. to manufacture and distribute AMIGA merchandising items.
Vidamus Multimedia
Idrottsvagen 3
915 31 Robertsfors
Phone +46-934-553 33
Fax 7 +46-934-554 85
About Vidamus:
"Vidamus was founded in 1991 and are located in the northern part of Sweden.
The company works within four main areas. These are Internet, Multimedia,
Education and of course Amigatrade. All work for Internet and Multimedia
are done by Amiga computers. Education are given to PC and Macintosh
companies (since they need all the help they can get ;-) ).
Vidamus distributes a wide range of Amiga products, mainly software.
Vidamus believes in the future of Amiga and will continue to produce and sell
Amiga specific products. You can contact us at our website"