Press Conference Cancelled

Message to Amiga Developers & Amiga press.

We had to cancel the press conference scheduled on the 24th of April in Frankfurt. We would like to apologise for this. The new date will be made public as soon as possible. Target is end of May.

The project initiated by VIScorp with the Amiga developer community is currently being proceeded. The completion of this process will be determining the date of our press conference.

You will be notified in time, please stay tuned.

Info: Gilles Bourdin - AMIGA Technologies GmbH - Berliner Ring 89 - D-64625 BENSHEIM Tel +49 6252 709 195 - Fax +49 6252 709 520 email - HTTP://

Gilles Bourdin
Gilles Bourdin / Amiga Technologies GmbH
Public Relations
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