On Thursday, the 18th of July, 1996 the final contract of purchase was signed between the bankruptcy trustee solicitor Bernhard Hembach and the president and CEO of VISCorp, William Buck, with approval of the 'pool of banks' for the entire remaining inventory and intellectual property.
Until 18th of August 1996 VISCorp has time now to establish the necessary companies to carry on with its current business. In the meantime, the business will be run with the approval of the bankruptcy trustee Hembach under the name AMIGA Technologies GmbH i.K.
From the 19th of August, 1996 the business will finally be run under the name, control and ownership of VISCorp.
Christoph G�licher
AMIGA Technologies
Berliner Ring 89
D-64625 Bensheim
Tel +49 6251 802 220
Fax +49 6252 802 229
eMail: cg@amiga.de
For more information, Visit the Amiga Technologies Web Site