Week of October 30th, 1995 (951030)

Due to recent political unrest in Canada, pricing is subject to
change without notice.

This weeks list isn't that big. It's just mainly a list of items that
I have had around for a little while that I would like to clear out.
I've spent most of my time over the last few weeks catching up on all
the orders... packing until 2 in the morning (ugh) Business is good. :)

             G R E G ' S   C L E A R A N C E   S H E L F
170 Meg SCSI Hard-Drive...........................................$69.95
Anakin Research Easyl (1000 and 2000 versions)....................$99.95
ASIM CDFS v3.3....................................................$59.95
Calgari 2.........................................................$29.95
Commodore 2058 8 meg RAM Board with 4 meg Populated..............$169.95
Commodore 2088 XT BridgeBoard with 5.25" drive....................$30.00
Connect Your Amiga!...............................................$34.95
DataFlyer XDS 1200 External IDE..................................$119.95
dataMIX CD-ROM (fonts, graphics, objects, MODs, sounds)...........$19.95
DataTax (Canadian version)........................................$19.95
Eklipse PC Serial Mouse...........................................$15.00
FreshFish Volume 8................................................$19.95
MegaCHIP 2000 NTSC...............................................$239.95
MicroBotics 1200Z RAM Expansion with 68881FPU and clock..........$125.00
MicroR&D 3: 600+ fonts, 1800+ EPS clip, etc.......................$32.95
On The Ball! Personal Organizer...................................$29.95
RG58 Cable for Ethernet 100 yard spool............................$45.00
SupraModem 2400 (no power supply).................................$20.00

  * * * *   S C A L A   M M 3 0 0   O N L Y   $ 1 4 9 . 9 5 !  * * * *
I have a few of these here right now that I can blow out at $149.95,
so if you are interested, please respond immediately!

                        Y / C   P L U S   I N C .
Y/C Adapter For Video Toaster...................................$1149.95
Y/C Adapter For Amiga 23pin RGB..................................$139.95
Composite Colour Adapter for Amiga 23pin RGB.....................$139.95
Amiga 23-pin RGB to 4 BNC (RGBS)..................................$94.95

     U S E D   H A R D W A R E   -   3 0   D A Y   W A R R A N T Y
Amiga 500, 512k, mouse, built in drive............................$80.00
X-Calibur A4000 Accelerator (ask for details!)...................$399.95
Amiga 3000T, 6 meg, 245 meg SCSI................................$2249.95
Oktagon 2008 SCSI-2 Interface....................................$199.95
MultiStart II ROM Switcher........................................$29.95

O L D   S O F T W A R E   -   W H I L E   Q U A N T I T I E S   L A S T
Dragons Lair: Escape from Singes Castle...........................$10.00
Kings Quest 5.....................................................$17.95
Manhunter: New York...............................................$10.00
Manhunter II......................................................$10.00
Search for the King...............................................$10.00
Rise of the Dragon................................................$10.00

* Thanks for all of those who enquired about the 500/600/1200/CD32 power
* supplies. I have everything here ready to go except for the 5-pin
* square dins to plug into the back of the machine. These are rather
* difficult to locate. Ask about how you can send in your original
* cable and get a discount.. Or tell me where you can get them! :)

* For those of you on IRC, look for NACBot (or NACb). NACBot is National
* Amiga's bot linked directly into our catalog database and will supply
* prices on the products we carry. As time progresses, NACBot will
* provide product information directly from the web pages, allow you to
* add/delete your name from this mailing list, DCC catalogs, a developers
* database, and several other things.. Suggestions are welcome!

All prices in Canadian dollars. Pricing and availability subject to
change without notice. Ask for our terms and policies.