All |
Use this menu to zoom the timeline all the way out on the horizontal
axis (time axis).
Out |
Use this menu to increase the amount of time displayed in the timeline.
In |
Use this menu to decrease the amount of time displayed in the timeline.
Max In |
Use this menu to zoom the timeline all the way in on the horizontal
axis (time axis).
Range |
Use this menu to have the zoom factor adjusted to fit the ranged area on
- Define a range by CTRL-dragging.
- Select the Range menu item.
Near Range |
Use this menu to have the zoom factor adjusted to fit the ranged area on
screen, leaving some free space around the range itself.
- Define a range by CTRL-dragging.
- Select the Near Range menu item.
<< |
Use this menu to scroll the timeline left.
< |
Use this menu to scroll the timeline left (half step).
> |
Use this menu to scroll the timeline right (half step).
>> |
Use this menu to scroll the timeline right.
Near Object |
Use this menu to have the zoom factor adjusted to fit the selected
Audio Object on screen, leaving some free space around the object
Cursor |
Use this menu to scroll the timeline so that the cursor be centered on
screen. This function preserves the current zoom factor so it's possible
that sometimes the cursor won't be centered (depending on the position
on the timeline).
Cursor Max In |
Use this menu to zoom all the way in and scroll the timeline so that the
cursor be centered on screen.
Store View |
Use this menu to store the current timeline view's coordinates.
- Select the Store View menu item.
- Zoom/scroll the timeline view to a different position.
- Select the Recall View menu item to go back to
the original view.
This menu item features multiple subitems to
let you handle multiple store/recall slots
Recall Range |
Use this menu to restore a saved view.
- Select the Store View menu item.
- Zoom/scroll the timeline view to a different position.
- Select the Recall View menu item to go back to
the original view.
This menu item features multiple subitems to
let you handle multiple store/recall slots