![webPlug Small logo](Pics/webPlugS.gif)
An HTML editor for the Amiga
webPlug's configuration
You can pop up webPlug's config window by selecting the 'Prefs/webPlug...' menu.
This window offers 3 register groups, 'Files', 'Defaults' and 'GUI'.
- Files
- Here you can specify the browser to be used (please indicate the full path), the BrowserLink (idem) and the image viewer that webPlug should use.
In v1,2+ you can specify the arguments for the browser. This is specially usefull for MultiView, since this program needs something to load when you run it. For example, put 'S:User-StartUp'.
You can use an internal datatypes-based viewer or any external viewer. In this case, please specify the full path of the viewer and type '%s' where the image filename should be inserted when viewing, for example:
c:vt PAL "%s"
For v1.2+, you can specify a default customtaglist and a default customstringlist...
- Defaults
This page contains some checkmarks that modify the behaviour of webPlug:
- Load Browser on startup. If set, the specified browser will be loaded when you execute webPlug.
- Load external programs first. The browser will be loaded before webPlug opens it's window. This way, webPlug's window can be opened on the browser's window.
- Quit webPlug and browser. Should be obvious
- Iconify webPlug and browser. The browser will be iconified when you iconify webPlug. This depends on the browser..
- Save when sending to browser. The doc will be saved to the disk before sending the doc to the browser. Is a good idea to have this one set.
- Bring the browser to front. The browser's screen will become the frontmost screen when webPlug sends the doc to it
Using the GUI page, you'll be able to set some preferences for the editor and for webPlug's GUI.
Basically, to tell webPlug which windows should be opened when you execute the program.
- Editor
- This page has changed. Since I've dropped the Textfield.gadget, you should use the MUIPrefs program to set the preferences for the TextEditor.mcc, so this group only contains 2 settings:
- Use fixed width font: Whether you want the TextEditor to use a fixed width font (recommended) or not.
- Reselect block after inserting a tag: Once you've done any operation in a block (applying a tag, translating the chars to ISO-Latin, indenting...) webPlug will reselect the block automatically if you set this setting.
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