Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: 16 APR 1998
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sfreflect - Speak Freely conference reflector  


sfreflect [ -du ] [ -hpath ] [ -iinterval ] [ -mhost[:port] ] [ -pport ] [ -rinterval ] [ -vtimeout ]  


sfreflect implements a rudimentary multiparty conferencing facility. Running on a server (which need not have audio hardware), it accepts connections from users and, whenever sound is received from any connected user, immediately retransmits it to all others. Users may join and leave the conference at will simply by opening or closing a connection to the reflector. The reflector can automatically publish an HTML file listing members currently in the conference, which can be examined by any user with a Web browser.

A reflector can invite connections by publishing its existence on one or more directory servers. See the ``Look Who's Listening'' section in the sfspeaker manual page for details on how to set the environment variables.  


Enables debug output.
An HTML file is written to the given path name (a fully qualified file name, less the .html suffix), listing all users currently connected to the reflector. Publishing this HTML file as a World-Wide Web document on the server allows easy access to a list of all active users on the reflector. Unlike sflwld, sfreflect always includes the identity of connected users in its HTML output, even if they have requested ``exact match only''. Participating in a conference is equivalent to connecting to another user, in which case identity is also always shown.
The HTML file written by the -h option will be updated every interval seconds if a change has occurred during that period. If interval is set to zero, the file is updated immediately after any change.
Audio received by the reflector will be sent, in addition to the connected hosts, also to the specified port on host. If no port is given, the default sfspeaker port of 2074 is used. The monitor facility is primarily intended to permit participating in a conference from the same machine on which sfreflect is running, but can be used to relay the conference to any host and port on the network. See the section ``Single Machine Set-up'' below for additional details.
Causes sfreflect to listen on the specified port number instead of the default port of 4074.
The HTML written by the -h option will contain a client-pull request which causes the user's Web browser (if it supports client-pull) to automatically refresh the document every interval seconds. If no -r option is specified or interval is set to 0, no client-pull updating will occur. Note the distinction between the -i and -r options; -i specifies how frequently sfreflect updates the HTML file on the server, while the -r option determines the interval between automatic downloads of this file to users displaying it in their Web browsers. It doesn't make sense to set the -r option to a shorter interval than the -i option, but to reduce network traffic it may be eminently reasonable to update the HTML file every 30 seconds or so, but only have users refresh their browser display every two to five minutes.
Prints how-to-call information.
When sfreflect receives a packet from a host it hasn't heard from in timeout seconds, it will attempt to resolve the host name and print a message on standard error noting the new connection and what compression mode is being used. If the host name can't be determined, the numeric IP address is shown. After timeout seconds of inactivity a message is issued indicating the host is idle. If no timeout is specified, 180 seconds is used.


The -h option creates an HTML file with the given base name and an extension of .new, then swaps the new file for any previously-existing file with an extension of .html. The file update process avoids the risk of a user's receiving a file in the process of being written.  


To participate in a sfreflect conference, you must determine the host name running the reflector and the port number it listens to. Start sfspeaker with the -pport option specifying the reflector's port number. If you don't specify the reflector's port number, sfspeaker will listen on the default port of 2074; if the reflector uses a different port you will not hear the packets it returns to you. Then start sfmike specifying the reflector host name and port number as hostname:port. The reflector will not forward sound from the conference until you connect to it with sfmike; starting sfspeaker is necessary but not sufficient.

Users of Speak Freely for Windows can join a conference simply by opening a new connection window and entering the reflector's hostname:port. Speak Freely for Windows automatically listens for packets on all ports to which is has open connections.

sfreflect works by simple packet replication; sound packets received from any user connected to the reflector are immediately resent, unmodified, to all other parties to the conference (but not to the originator), with whatever protocol, compression, and encryption modes were selected by the sender. This has several consequences you need to be aware of in order to run a successful conference. First of all, the site running the reflector needs to have sufficient bandwidth in its connection to the Internet backbone to permit sending a copy of every packet received to each member in the conference. For example, suppose you routinely use GSM compression to communicate over a 28.8 Kb dial-up link to your Internet Service Provider, having no bandwidth problems because GSM compression uses only slightly more than half of your available bandwidth. If you attempted to run sfreflect and had three parties in the conference, performance would be marginal since each packet received would have to be sent to the other two people, and that would exceed the capacity of the 28.8 Kb line. To avoid lost packets (at least with long individual transmissions) you'd need a faster modem link. Reflectors for conferences with a large number of participants can be run successfully on fast local networks, but are only usable across the Internet if the reflector site has high bandwidth connectivity.

It is essential that all participants in a conference, even if they have full-duplex audio hardware, operate in push-to-talk or Voice Activation (VOX or squelch) mode whilst connected to the reflector. Transmitting continuously, as can be done on a full-duplex connection, will flood the reflector with packets and disrupt the transmissions of others. As is the case with half-duplex point-to-point connections, it's a good idea for all participants in a conference to verbally indicate the end of a transmission by saying ``over'' or the equivalent.

Connections to reflector sites should use Speak Freely protocol exclusively, not RTP or VAT. sfspeaker assumes a given sender will use only one protocol at a time. Since the reflector is considered a single connection, sfspeaker has no way to determine the correct protocol if it receives an intermixed stream of packets in various protocols. Using the default Speak Freely protocol guarantees participants in the conference will be able to hear packets from all senders.

sfreflect relays packets in a variety of compression schemes without difficulty, and sfspeaker will decompress them with the appropriate algorithms and play them properly. If, however, a given compression scheme overloads the network bandwidth or CPU capacity of one or more participants in the conference, they will hear garbled audio even though others may receive the same transmission perfectly. When setting up a conference, it's best to specify a recommended compression mode appropriate to the computers and connectivity of the expected participants and urge them to adopt that mode.

sfreflect correctly forwards encrypted packets. As long as all participants in a conference have received and supply the correct key, they can communicate secure against eavesdropping by others who may connect but do not know the conference key. The automatic key generation and exchange using PGP (-z option on sfmike) cannot be used in a conference, as it is strictly a two-party transaction. Instead, distribute keys to participants in advance by electronic mail encrypted with PGP.

Like all the other components of Speak Freely, sfreflect is intended for communication among cooperating individuals. sfreflect contains no ``social engineering'' mechanisms to deter or prevent abuse. Users connected to the reflector can interrupt one another just as they can in a conference room, and a user who transmits incessantly can disrupt the proceedings as effectively as a heckler in an auditorium. One can easily envisage a variety of technological fixes which would minimise the impact of this kind of behaviour; indeed, systems intended for general public access have incorporated them for many years. sfreflect is neither intended nor recommended for open access ``chat'' applications. It can, if adequate bandwidth is available and participants understand the constraints of the medium and cooperate with one another, permit small conferences where people can come and go as they like without any central administration other than a machine running sfreflect.  


In the simplest configuration of sfreflect, it runs on a server distinct from any machine used to access the reflector. You can host as many different conferences as you wish on the same server (assuming it has adequate Internet connectivity for the aggregate bandwidth) simply by running multiple copies of sfreflect with each conference assigned its own unique port.

Many potential users of sfreflect may not have the luxury of a machine to dedicate to it. sfreflect's ``monitor host'' facility (-m option) permits hosting and participating in a conference on a single machine. It's a little confusing to set up, but once properly configured it will get the job done. The fundamental problem which must be overcome is that sfreflect listens and transmits on the port assigned to the conference; users on other machines simply start sfspeaker and sfmike specifying that port, and the reflector does the rest. But on the machine running sfreflect, one cannot start sfspeaker on the conference port because it has already been assigned to the reflector. To work around this, use the -m option on sfreflect and specify the local machine name (normally you can omit the optional port specification and use the default port of 2074). You can now start a copy of sfspeaker which listens on that port, and connect to the conference in the usual manner with sfmike. The reflector is careful never to forward audio to the host on which it is running, and the monitor host facility doesn't forward monitor packets from the local machine, so you can listen to the conference without feedback, echo, or locally duplicated packets. Here's a concrete example of how to set everything up: assume your machine has a host name of ``gizmo'' and you wish to host a conference on port 5214. You routinely run sfspeaker on the default port of 2074 for regular conversations. So, you'd start the reflector and sfspeaker as follows:
sfreflect -v -p5214 -mgizmo &
sfspeaker -v &
which will copy all audio the reflector receives on port 5214 to the default port of 2074 on gizmo, where sfspeaker will play it. You can now join the conference with the command:
sfmike gizmo:5214
and transmit and receive in the usual manner. If you wish to announce the conference and/or yourself on a Look Who's Listening server, set the environment variables for the conference prior to starting sfreflect and for yourself before starting sfspeaker. See the ``Look Who's Listening'' section of the sfspeaker manual page for additional details.  


It is easy to imagine thousands of zowie features which might be added to this program, including transforming it into a complete mixer which could receive packets from connections in a variety of protocols and compression modes, mix or interleave them in an intelligent fashion, and retransmit the composite audio stream in a specified protocol and compression. Since at present it's unclear how many potential users of a conferencing program such as this have adequate connectivity to make effective use of it, it's unwise to invest the much greater effort such an elaborate program would require without first getting some experience with a much simpler tool.  


The implementation of MD5 message-digest algorithm is based on a public domain version written by Colin Plumb in 1993. The algorithm is due to Ron Rivest. The algorithm is described in Internet RFC 1321.  


sfecho(1), sflwld(1), sfmike(1), sfspeaker(1)  


John Walker

This program is in the public domain. This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.




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