This software is provided as Charity- and Shareware.
You may use the evaluation version as long you want. To be able to use all the features you should register.
The demo version has some of the Features disabled.
To get the full version - without restrictions,
send the registration fee in cash (no coins, please)
to the author with printed Registration Form
with your signature.
You have two alternativies to choose from:
- Pay half of the Full fee to a well known charity organization and the other half to the author.
I don't require any receipt of your payment, it's up to your consience.
The registration fee to the author in this case is:
Amount | Currency |
10 | USD |
7 | GBP |
20 | DEM |
50 | FIM |
80 | SEK |
- Pay the Full fee to the author and I will deliver the half to Red Cross or similar organization.
The registration fee to the author in this case is:
Amount | Currency |
20 | USD |
14 | GBP |
40 | DEM |
100 | FIM |
160 | SEK |
Fill in the Registration Form and print it.
Send registration form with the fee to:
J. Tervo
Hillerip 1i
FIN-21220 Raisio
If You want- OR if you don't have a internet access - then CIM with the key will be delivered to you on a CDROM (CD-R).
Otherwise the the key will be sent via e-mail.
Updated: April 7th 2000.
Copyright by Jan-Erik Tervo. All rights reserved.