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E. Technical data

For curious people, who want to know everything.

E.1 What programmers should observe...

  1. Data, which shall be written using the DOS functions Read/Write, should be LongWordAlligned (adr MOD 4=0), because the processor can access them faster then. This also applies to data which is sent directly to a device. AllocMem, Allocate... automatically return an address that is LongWordAlligned. So you only have to pay attention if you divide a memory block manually.
  2. Remember: If you use SendIO instead of DoIO, the command is executed Async. Not only reading and writing, but also changeState, motor, protStatus, remove, changeNum ... commands.

E.2 Which values are the defaults?

At the first start and after choosing Edit/reset to Defaults from the menu, these values will be used:

Create Icons                                   = FALSE (OFF)

Not used FastMemory                            = 60 KB
Not used ChipMemory                            = 50 KB
FastMemFirst                                   = TRUE  (ON)
View color flash if track moved or deleted     = FALSE (OFF)
Protect tracks in memory with checksummes      = FALSE (OFF)

HD             Async delay                     = 4 seconds
Disk           Async delay                     = 7 seconds

Device| Pri | Settings
DF0�  | 100�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
DF1   | 100�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
DF2   | 100�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
DF3   | 100�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
DS0�  |  80�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
DS1   | �80�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
DS2   | �80�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
DS3   | �80�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
PC0   |  60�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
PC1   | �60�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
PC2   | �60�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
PC3   | �60�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
PS0�  |  40�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
PS1   | �40�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
PS2   | �40�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
PS3   | �40�|�Removeable Disk, Write Async, Verify write
CD0   |  20 | Removeable Disk, WriteRetention
HD0   |   0 | Write Async
HD1   |   0 | Write Async
HD2   |   0 | Write Async
HD3   |   0 | Write Async
DH0   |   0 | Write Async
DH1   |   0 | Write Async
DH2   |   0 | Write Async
DH3   |   0 | Write Async

E.3 Return values

The return values can be used within a shell-script.

Sys:Prefs/FDAPref ENVARC:FDA-AfterBoot.prefs USE
IF WARN ;FDA is not running
        RUN Sys:System/FDA ENVARC:FDA-AfterBoot.prefs QUIET
Sys:System/FDAView >NIL: Kill-FDA
IF NOT WARN ;FDA is running before
        RUN Sys:System/FDA ENVARC:FDA-AfterBoot.prefs QUIET
RUN Sys:System/FDA ENVARC:FDA-AfterBoot.prefs QUIET
IF $RC GE 5 ;FDA is running before
        Sys:Prefs/FDAPref ENVARC:FDA-AfterBoot.prefs USE
AlreadyRunning          = warn          (5)
PreferenceCancel        = error         (10)
PreferenceFDAnotRunning = warn          (5)
NoDeviceCached          = fail+1        (20�+1)
CanNotCreatePort        = fail+2
ReadArgsError           = fail+3
CanNotReadPrefs�        = fail+4
CanNotCreateTask�       = fail+5
AllocSignalError�       = fail+6
NoMem�                  = fail+777-fail

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