A few people have started helping with Linux/APUS. I hope more will join (see the section called To Do - Kernel in Chapter 7 and the section called To Do - The Linux/APUS Doc'n'FAQ in Chapter 7). If you were not critically deprived of air at birth, and thus do not see the fun in kernel hacking, you can still help. Complement or add sections to The Linux/APUS Doc'n'FAQ, get responsibility for Debian or RedHat packages of tools you like, write a helping text for others about a problem you have fought your way through, be helpful on the news group (this would be very appreciated - I can only read news at work and don't always have the time to be helpful myself), send me (or others) grateful emails, or even tons of money. Use your imagination and help make Linux/m68k and Linux/APUS better systems for people with less experience than yourself.
There are two parties in particular that I feel deserve kudos: Phase5 for helping this port along, and the system administrators at SunSITE Denmark (Karsten Thygesen in particular) for supplying disk space and generally for being a nice bunch (as all Danes are, of course :).
For paragraph-sized contributions to The Linux/APUS Doc'n'FAQ, I put the author's name above the text. Patches to the kernel are rewarded with gratitude and (for bigger stuff) a short mention below. I don't think I want to spend time keeping this part of the document up to date though, so I won't be mentioning every little change. What I will do is to include your name when describing changes in Chapter 10 and make a big'ol' list below with email addresses of contributors (big'n'small).
If you feel I have forgotten you, remind me by sending an email (and tons of money).
Gerard Cornu( gcornu@dtr.fr)
Jeff Crystal ( darkmagi@spectrumcp.com)
Jeffrey W. Davis ( doctorj@netusa1.net)
Christophe Decanini ( cdecanini@yahoo.com)
Marco De Vitis ( marco.dvv@flashnet.it)
Michel D�nzer ( michdaen@iiic.ethz.ch)
Massimo Gais ( ftpadmin@ftp.unina.it)
Duncan Gibb ( Duncan.Gibb@ed.ac.uk) WB GUI boot script (oh yes you do! :)
Matthias Goerdeler ( goerdler@hp1.imm.rwth-aachen.de)
Arno Griffioen ( arno@usn.nl)
Sinan Gurkan ( sgurkan@artemis.efes.net)
Thomas Haller ( Thomas-h8t.Haller@ubs.ch)
Gordon Huby ( gordon@ghuby.freeserve.co.uk)
Mecha Ike ( mecha.ike@thecure.co.uk)
Holger Jakob ( jakob@ph-cip.Uni-Koeln.DE)
Jens Kristian Jensen ( judas@cs.auc.dk)
Jimmy ( Jimmy@Stud-Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE)
Alex Kazik ( martin.koenig@gmx.net)
Martin Koenig( alx@gmx.de)
Bartek Kozakiewicz ( coza@snickers.ek.univ.gda.pl)
Chris Lawrence ( quango@watervalley.net)
Thomas Lohmann ( tlohmann@scobs.de)
Sven Luther ( luther@dpt-info.u-strasbg.fr) SCSI support for Blizzard controllers.
Peter McGavin ( P.McGavin@irl.cri.nz)
Carlos Mayo ( COMPMAY@teleline.es)
Ilario Nardinocchi ( nardicon@cs.unibo.it) CVPPC driver.
Sven Ottemann ( Sven.Ottemann@Student.Uni-Magdeburg.DE) Hard disk install script for the RedHat base system.
Frank Petzold ( fpetzold@hepe.com)
Carsten Pluntke ( su0289@sx2.hrz.uni-dortmund.de) Fixed vm problem with X.
Jouko Pynnonen ( pynjo@jytol.fi)
Robert Ramiega ( robert@plukwa.pdi.net)
Francisco Sepulveda ( Francisco.Sepulveda@ico.unil.ch)
Christian T. Steigies ( steigies@physik.uni-kiel.de)
Ken (& Julian) Tyler ( kent@werple.net.au) Fixed the RedHat Installer scripts to work with Linux/APUS.
Geert Uytterhoeven ( Geert.Uytterhoeven@cs.kuleuven.ac.be) X server binaries. RedHat/PPC base system archive and installation help. Santa's little vger helper :)