Come visit us in the Lava Lounge. The Palace is a graphical chat client that works over TCP/IP networks. You'll have to have a PPP connection from an Internet Service Provider to use the software. CompuServe and the Windows version of America Online can be used as a PPP connection, too. Go to keyword INTERNET on both services for more information. Grab The Palace software from the CD. (It's in the D:\special\palace\ directory -- that's netPOWER:special:palace: for you Mac folk.) After you install it, click on the image below to enter the Lava Lounge.

This month Lynda Weinman will lead a Web Designer's roundtable. Come with your questions, or tell others tricks you've learned. Check the online calendar for more details.

The last Tuesday of each month Blue Grrrl and Shel Kimen hit the Web for a Grrrls Night Out. Girls of all ages (5 to Grandma) are invited to visit The Net's Lava Lounge to hang out, chat about issues and help each other find women's and girl's resources online. The show starts at 5:00PST and goes until 6:30PST. If you're really good, they might round up a few special guest stars!

If you have trouble entering the lounge via the link, read this note, or paste "" (minus the quotes) into the "Sign on via TCP" dialog for the host name in the palace software.

The lounge was decorated by Bruce Heavin