Air Hockey

The air hockey page warns that if you aren't using Netscape, the site might not look the way it's supposed to. I found no Netscape-only tricks to speak of. In fact, I found a dry layout with even dryer pictures. But that's not what Air Hockey is about, and the rest of the site is loaded with content, including: bios of key air hockey personalities, rules and procedures, a terminology glossary, and a few essay-type articles. So while you shouldn't expect to be blown away by innovative design hoopla, this is a great site for die-hard air hockey fans.-LS


American Poolplayers Association

The American Poolplayers Association site provides 8-ball rules and definitions; What's New in the APA; the 1995-96 Calendar and Champion Results; and a list of pool-related links. Though the design elements are not unsophisticated, the pages are all identical, and, consequently, a little difficult to sift through.-KB


Body Mechanics

A resource for northwest competitive bodybuilders, Body Mechanics offers training tips from a certified personal trainer; "Almost Non Fat Recipes;"and more dietary information than you can shake a glycemic index at. (*Way* more.) Garry's Nutrition Hints is for hard-core hardbodies only. Other highlights are a gallery of bodybuilding competitors flexing for the camera, and the National Physique Committee's 1996 competition schedule. -KB


Flyfishing Antventures

Yes, *Antventures*. It's short for Anthony. Anthony is seriously into flyfishing, and if you are too, you should look at his page. There's lots of stories about landing the big one, and pictures of guys up to their butts in cold water, clutching fish, and grinning like raccoons. Anthony appears to be a stand-up guy and square shooter, but if the appeal of the sport is lost on you, don't bother dipping your pole here. For yours truly, flyfishing is like golf -- I just don't get it. But some do, and it is my constant reminder that God made everyone different so we'd always have someone to baffle us.



Global Snow and Surf Report

This site -- Geezer for short -- is a great idea. Instead of presenting the standard press kit-type Web page, Barefoot Snoboards has sponsored functional content: daily updated snow reports, and links to snow and surf resources. Advertising is quietly played in the background. However, the surf reports were a month old, and I suspect some of the snow reports were as well. The link to the Resort Sports Network site, however, provided fresh-dated camera shots of snow resorts such as Heavenly, Calif., and Vail, Colo. A good-looking resource.-KB


Little League Baseball

The prospect of reviewing this site excited me -- I can't help but twinkle at the notion of a Little League Baseball Web page. But upon inspection, I realized the news was old, and the graphics and creativity component was severely lacking. But the site does offer summer camp information, links to external resources, and an informative FAQ. Maybe as the season picks up, the site will too.-SK


Lumberjack Entertainment

This is a thinly disguised advert for the Old Time Lumberjack Show. Since lumberjacks aren't really interested in promoting regulated competition (they instead aim for good-timey fair events), you won't find rules or requirements, or even detailed descriptions of how games are played. However, photos indicate events demand chopping, sawing and climbing wood. The page *does not* mention the infamous Monty Python sketch. Personally, if these guys wielded chainsaws in evening gowns, I'd *pay* to see it.-RK


Mauy Thai

Mauy Thai is the native term for Thai boxing. The main difference between regular boxing and Mauy Thai is that you can kick opponents in the head. Punching is allowed too, but nothing beats a well-placed flying foot to the temple. Some dude named Roman Dekker is mentioned a lot, and appears to be a an icon of some kind. This site has links to other martial arts pages, but is itself thin on information and pics. Consider this merely a transfer station on the greater Mauy Thai railway.



Shotgun Report

Life's too short not to play with shotguns, and the Shotgun Report will tell you how to play hard and shoot fast. The Technoid, who claims he is "often in error, but never in doubt," provides amusing, if not comprehensive, technical tracts on such things as Barrel modifications, Gas-operated semi-automatic shotguns, and maintenance tips. Apart from constantly referring to himself in the third-person, you gotta like The Technoid's attitude -- especially when your making complicated modifications to firearms.-KB



SoccerNet is a big, big site for the English and Scottish soccer divisions. Get the latest news and files, link to team profiles (with adorable little shirts and shorts icons that actually match team colors), or place bets in the Soccer Pools area. The graphics for the most part are gaudy, tacky, eye-bending spectacles, but if you can get past that, this is a decent page. Most of the focus is on team profiles, history, players and awards. Not bad.-LS



Tauromaquia? That's bullfighting to you, shriner. You'll read a detailed history, which explains that bullfighting was invented about a thousand years ago for bored knights to work off pent-up blood lust when they were at peace with their neighbors, and needed to kill something to pass the time. An extensive glossary and primer clearly explains everything in simple but informative detail. This sport ignites politically correct fireworks in folks -- myself included -- but it was interesting to read about as a cultural event.