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Community Service:

Political Playbook :
Close-up: The Republican Budget Negotiators

Although the Republicans present a fairly unified front in budget negotiations, there are a handful of key players behind most of the party's compromises (or lack thereof). Tripod's Washington correspondent gives you the lowdown on these behind-the-scenes deal-makers.

Build Your Own Homepage:
And Vote for Your Favorites, Too!

Our Homepage Builder has become a cornerstone of our service because you, our members, have created so many damn good pages. Now we're letting you vote for your favorites. Has your page made the Top 10 list? Right now, edins has the #1 homepage of the day -- but you can change that.

Community Features:

Studio 204: Show Us Your Stuff
New Feature!

A Gallery dedicated to creative submissions from members like you. Do you have a design- or text-based work (interactive or otherwise) you'd like to contribute? Check it out.

Do-Gooders on Display
Making the world a better place is more than just the subject of bad song lyrics. Here's a growing roster of profiles of nonprofit organizations doing their best to make positive changes in the world. Find out the good things that are happening and see what you can do to help.

Community Interview:

Mike Godwin of EFF: Net Censorship Meltdown
The staff counsel for the Electronic Frontier Foundation is among the leaders of the brigade of Netizens who are pissed off and scared as hell as the First Amendment threatens to crumble beneath our feet. Read his grimly realistic assessment of the situation. Plus, check out our growing Interview Archive. .

Tripod Today

January 17, 1996
Our up-to-the-minute catalog of everything you need to get through your day -- links to news, weather, sports -- plus Tripod surveys, contests, and more.

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