The Pope Page The Pope Page is adorned with the kind extravagance found in the Vatican -- hypertexted pages lined with golden wall paper and decadent images of His Holiness John Paul II and other Popes past. The site is thorough, and leaves one with a feeling of complete papal saturation, though it's certainly interesting, and useful for historians and curious Catholics. The section containing writings of past Popes is an especially fascinating archive.-KV


Buddhism World

With nice colors, graphics, tables, and organization, this site flows well. The content, while still growing, is fairly comprehensive. Especially well done is the link list. It's extensive, includes a special section in Chinese, and covers not only the Web, but also Usenet, FTP, Gopher, and e-mail resources. You'll also find vegetarian recipes and archived copies of the Electronic Buddhists Society's Newsletter.-LS


Gospel Communications Network

In a word: huge. Absolutely, unquestionably, this is one of the largest, most extensive, and thorough of all Christian databases. Learn about films to see, newsletters to read, chats to participate in, childrens' bible studies, the "Top 40 Resources," and on and on and on. The site is updated regularly, and despite its vast amount of content, it's easy to navigate. Cool icons and pleasing backgrounds. A great jumping point for Web-o-holic Christians.-SK


Catholic Information Center

I sometimes daydream about the treasures that must lie within the Vatican library and archives. Imagine all the forgotten manuscripts, awaiting their day of discovery. Unfortunately, you'll find no digitized images of lost tomes at this site. Instead, general information concerning the Popes, the catechism, the Bible, and the Catholic church is available to the curious. Want the real scoop on the the Galileo affair? What does the Church think about evolution? You can find the answers here. -SS


InterGalactic House of Fruitcake

The god of the Old Testament is a newcomer to human history. Other deities were worshipped long before He arrived. Most of them have been long forgotten; a few still inspire dedicated bands of True Believers. Otis traces a lineage to the Sumerians, a decent group who clearly understood the need for a god capable of fireworks. This site offers a clever introduction to Otis and his/her cohorts. Believers can keep up with the latest Otis happenings, review doctrine, eye Church leaders, and more. A terrific example of the Web as a tool of religious indoctrination.-SS


Jewish Communications Network

This space is one of the best topical sites on the Web. Layout and organization are fantastic. Typically, graphics are an annoyance to me, but I found the images here to be pleasing and helpful. An enormous amount of material is presented in a clever and interesting fashion. I'm a committed Dobbsian, but I still found myself engrossed in the oil menorah/candles controversy. I cannot speak too highly of this site. For believers, it is a must-have bookmark. Non-believers should visit to catch a glimpse of what the Web should be.-SS


Religion of the Humanities

This is the official site and archive of a "new religion of humanity, Nature and the future of our existence." The content describes a doctrine of typical humanitarian ideals. Unfortunately, the fact that this group is committed to being an Internet-based church has left it faceless; the founders seem so devoted to the Zen ideals of ego transcendence that they haven't even put their names on the site. Membership in the church costs $24 a year.-WKC


Servant Life

Servant Life isn't a newsletter for domestics, but rather an advice publication for Christians. The name comes from the premise that Christians are "serving God." This Web site is just a front end for an Adobe Acrobat-formatted publication that can be downloaded in whole or in portions. The tone of Servant Life is very enlightened, encouraging qualities like acceptance and tolerance.-WKC


Shillum Homepage

I love apocalyptic literature, and the Book of Revelations is one of my favorite works. I can't help chuckling at the thought of Christian airplane pilots being raptured away, leaving unguided planes to carry heretics to a spectacular crash. This site serves one purpose: the distribution of the Shillum document, an end-time analysis reminiscent of "The Late Great Planet Earth." Of interest to conspiracy fans are references to the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," an anti-Semitic forgery concocted around the turn of the century. I love rants, but this meager and mediocre missive is unsatisfying.-SS



Technosophy is a pseudo-religion that relies on the premise that the human body is a piece of technology. Oh, the intricacies of semantics. Terry Alden, an individual with a savior-complex, has posted these five or six text-filled pages to spout his views on life and the world.-WKC
