Experience Power Design

Experience eye-popping graphics -- literally -- on the Power Design Web site. This design company creates Web sites for TV stations, national magazines, and even a football club. Learn how to redesign a national magazine in two weeks. Read notes from a seminar on the importance of unique Web site design. Buy a shirt that says, "Power means never having to kiss ass."Power Design is one interesting company striving to make the Web more wacky and witty. Any company that uses tweaked pictures of dentures on a cereal box can't be boring.-BJB


The Common Gateway Interface

Enter The Common Gateway Interface site for useful information on CGI.

Common Gateway Interface, or CGI, is a standard for external gateway programs to interface with HTTP servers. Where a plain HTML document that the Web daemon retrieves is static (which means it is a text file that doesn't change), a CGI program, however, is executed in real-time, out-putting dynamic information. The site explains this concept further with examples of CGI forms and other functions. Learn various simple CGI commands in the archive or the online tutorial. The Common Gateway Interface site is a crucial bookmark for both beginning and advanced HTML programmers.-BJB


The El-Cheapo Web Page

Thrifty would-be Web site designers have an online muse called The El-Cheapo Web Page. Here you can learn where to go for free Web page space, cheap HTML software, and copyright-free graphics. El-Cheapo has links galore to other pages that offer help in building a Web site from scratch or to add more snazzy features to one already established. The site itself could prosper from its own advice by showing off more graphics and CGI scripts, but it seems the Web master wants visitors to learn, not necessarily to be entertained. -BJB



Virtually everyone wants to learn more about the Virtual Reality Modeling Language, or VRML. Thanks to this graphically savvy Web site, VRML promises to be the next cool thing on the Net. Read about VRML browsers, industry news, projects, outside sites, specific hardware, and software. Build a VRML world of your very own with help from downloadable software and various Internet tools. The VRML Web site design is classy, polished, and eager to amaze visitors. Even short attention span surfers will appreciate the sections on VRML art and arcade games.-BJB


Web Weavers Warren

Web Weavers Warren warrants a big wet kiss for supplying creative professionals with wall-to-wall links on Web design. Follow links to sites specializing in Web backgrounds, browsers, CGI, counters, editors, HTML, icons, image maps, newsgroups, Perl programming, SGML, style, utilities, VRML, and more. Web Weavers Warren could use more graphics other than a yellow wizard to get you to stay and look around, but with myriad links, most visitors would bookmark this site as a useful reference link anyway.-BJB
