WorldNet In-Between
WorldNet Online claims to have a resource page listing architects and interior designers (U.S.? world? they don't say), but even the plain-alpha listing only gives you the text, not hotlinks or any company names. Nor are there cities, client listings, or firm size info. When I checked, you could only find listings by firm name; the index by specialty brought me the dreaded "404 Not Found" message. The folks who made this are in desperate need of Web architects and interior designers before they hang out their shingle.-KW

Professionals Online Home Page
This is what I call an "eager-beaver" page. Someone has fallen in love with the Web, and in this case with NetCruiser, and created a page geared to small business folks. The only problem is that the links to a variety of travel, sports, news, job, and career sites are standard and few in number, and they're built into very mundane, text-heavy pages. The Jobs page is probably the richest of the bunch, with brief annotations.Pros Online needs to focus in order to get ahead of the Web fan club and be of greater use to business types.-KW

Lawyers Cooperative Publishing
LCP is one of the oldest legal publishers, and this impressive page testifies to its expertise. The info here mostly describes the many law texts (state and federal) LCP sells, and features painstaking tables of contents for each title. The best reference page is The Legal List (, which enumerates a host of Internet-based legal resources you can find. There's a very helpful list of law-related BBSs, newsgroups, and listservs, for example. There are also links to info on law schools, corporations, and non-U.S. resources.-KW

Designlink Online Resource for Creative Professions
This site, which includes brief sketches of designers, up to 15 thumbnails of their digital work, and contact info, charges fees for listings and graphics files. To date, the San Francisco Bay area dominates listings. How to entice more diverse listings that attract clients, and how to convince prospects that it will lead to new jobs for them? This is the challenge Designlink faces on the Web. If it can be overcome, Designlink's Online Portfolio could well be a handy place to scout for illustrators, graphic designers, multimedia and other artists.

Chorus Reviews & Resources for Real World Computing
This is a very helpful page for academics - those folks who need special software to ease the pain of academic papers, bibliographic programs, computer-assisted language learning, and the like. Chorus offers book and software reviews of interest to humanities scholars - especially those specializing in language, literature, and Biblical studies. There are reviews of relevant books and software programs, links to humanities sites, and links to other areas for professionals - like doctors. A nicely organized page that any humanities grad student or researcher needing software tools for formal papers and so on will appreciate.-KW