Home Page Generator
Instead of going through all the anguish of mastering HTML, visit the Home Page Generator and make a minimal home page in minutes. This form-driven site asks for basic information to include on the page such as the title, contact information, and a bit of text. You can preview your newly created page or copy the code to add your own graphics and backgrounds. The Home Page Generator has yet to offer the razzle-dazzle options of forms, tables, or animation, but gives HTML-phobes a chance to create Web sites of their own without much hassle.-BJB

Aside from the nifty graphic of an industrial worker, the HTML Help site is a bland list of HTML design tutorials available online. With information on HTML writing, converters, browsers, graphic viewers, and news groups, HTML Help offers a push in the right direction. Yet with all the HTML bookmark lists already on the Web, this site should try to offer something more than just a push.-BJB

Jim Massey's HTML Workbook
Jim Massey wants to "enhance human potential by expanding the HTML
technical envelope" with his HTML Workbook. This online workbook includes
Massey's "1,001 Web Site Tour List," his "10 Standard-Setting Web Technology Page," the "Emerging Edge Tutorials" section, and links to Dr. Cye's "HTML Reviews of 130 Books," the "Timothy Leary Page," and more. There's also Web Server news, articles, and tools. Instead of pushing the technical envelope to other sites, Massey takes the time to explain where he thinks Web technology will go, and how we can use it to enhance our lives.-BJB

The Almost Complete HTML Reference
No site offering advice on HTML design compares to the extensive resource directory from "The Almost Complete HTML Reference Guide." Find books on HTML design, information on more than 22 Web browsers, links for more than 30 HTML converter sites, tips on color backgrounds and transparent GIFs, and even step-by-step guides for creating forms and tables. Anyone just beginning to create a pit stop on the Web should check out this guide before construction.-BJB

The World Wide Web Consortium W3C
Producing specifications and referencing software, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) works within the Internet community to help promote standards on the Web. Read about W3C's philosophical views of the Web, or see for yourself what W3C plans to focus on -- whether it be security concepts or HTML scripting. W3C lacks to graphics to keep most visitors' attention spans, but those interested in standardizing the Web will find a wealth of information and opportunity to get involved.-BJB