--> if ShiftDown() then put fName -- just display path (utility function) --> else displayimage getMacFileNameFromPath(fName), fName, 128 -- view ot == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: getMacFileNameFromPath --> set the itemdelimiter = ":" --> set fname = item ( the number of items in aMacPath) of aMacPath == fName = "D01__128.PIC" --> set the itemdelimiter = "," --> return fname == Script: open tile128 Handler: mouseUp --> else displayimage getMacFileNameFromPath(fName), fName, 128 -- view ot == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: displayimage --> global ScrollMode , FileCast , FileSprite, idlechore, FitCount, DelayedAction, DepthSym, MIAWViewerMode, hiddenTileSwap --> cursor 4 -- watch --> set DepthSym = "-" & string(the colorDepth) -- 1/20/96 used for depth specific linked cast == DepthSym = "-8" --> -- replace last btn image with small placeholder, reduce potential large ram load --> if MIAWViewerMode then set the title of window movie() = " " -- rename after valid images are gotton --> -- if not integerp(FileCast) then setUpMIAW -- not open yet init globals --> setUpMIAW -- try always == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: setUpMIAW --> global idleChore, FileSprite, ThumbScale, MIAWViewerMode, FileCast, PlaySpeed, MIAWViewerMode --> set DepthSym = "-" & string(the colorDepth) -- used for depth specific linked cast == DepthSym = "-8" --> set idleChore = empty == idleChore = "" --> if MIAWViewerMode then set the windowtype of window movie() = 12 -- zoom, no size --> set ThumbScale = 8 -- thumbnail rect size ratio 1/8 initialy, new image may change == ThumbScale = 8 --> set FileSprite = 2 -- the image on display's track == FileSprite = 2 --> set FileCast = the number of cast ("ButtonCast" & DepthSym) -- the castNum of sprite FileSprite (large image mode) == FileCast = 25 --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: displayimage --> if the paramcount > 2 then -- may display 2 icon versions in fixed win, or tile sample --> set ScrollMode = false -- scroll only for large buttons and bars ( tile fixed in UL ) == scrollMode = 0 --> endScrollMode -- hide thumbnails == Script: viewer scripts Handler: EndScrollMode --> set the puppet of sprite 10 = false -- image rect thumbnail -- free up for tiles --> set the puppet of sprite 11 = false -- window rect thumbnail --> -- set the locV of sprite 10 = -1000 -- hide image thumbnail --> updateStage --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: displayimage --> set the puppet of sprite FileSprite = false -- no image scrolling w/ icons --> -- NOT showing Btn/Bar replace last btn image with small placeholder --> if the machineType = 256 then set the fileName of cast ("ButtonCast" & DepthSym) = pathname() & "Buttons\PICTs\Small\Little04.PIC" --> else set the fileName of cast ("ButtonCast" & DepthSym) = "WebTools:Buttons:PICTs:Small:Little04.PIC" --> if OptionalSecondParam = 64 then -- small tile sample --> if OptionalSecondParam = 128 then -- large tile sample --> --%%% new cast change hide 2/3/96 --> if hiddenTileSwap then -- go to trails version of current tile 2/3/96 --> if marker(0) = label("Tile128" & DepthSym) then --> if marker(0) = label("Tile128_Big" & DepthSym) then --> end if --> set the fileName of cast ("Tile_128" & DepthSym) = FilePath --> if the fileName of cast ("Tile_128" & DepthSym) <> FilePath then -- didn't find or finish import --> end if --> set the picture of cast ("Tile_128" & DepthSym) = the picture of cast ("Tile_128" & DepthSym) --%%% so it's read width is right --> if the width of cast ("Tile_128" & DepthSym) > 200 then go to ("Tile128_Big" & DepthSym) -- 222 wide == Frame: 53 --> else go to ("Tile128" & DepthSym) -- square --> else -- icon(s) second param: icon down image file name --> end if -- 2 icon --> if MIAWViewerMode then --> end if .--> cursor 0 -- standard --> end == Script: open tile128 Handler: mouseUp --> else --> end if == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame() --> end == Script: Main stage interface scripts Handler: idle --> -- some window messages actual update is delayed, waited for it --> if not stringp(idleChore) then set idleChore = empty --%%% init fail backup --> if idleChore <> empty then -- instruction left by someone --> end if == Script: 6 Handler: exitFrame --> go to frame frame()