Script to fix pagesize problem on HP650C
Here is the script to insert the PageSize command into a postscript file in
order to keep an HP650C from wasting vast amounts of paper. First I am
including the "meat" of the script--the part that we actually use here.
It just looks at the file and if it is not a postscript, assumes that it is
hpgl2 and sends it on with an lpr command. If it is postscript, then it
uses awk to get the BoundingBox size, and uses sed to put in the proper
Pagesize command, and then sends the new temporary file on to the printer.
We didn't use the full script, because we bought the software from HP that
handles the switching from hpgl2 to postscript. At the end of this message
I have included the full script as Michael A. DeAngelo of the USGS sent to me.
There are funny origin problems. Often the bottom and/or left side of a
plot is cut off. You might have to put a box around the plot to get the
entire thing to print. The script doesn't work if you are using embedded
eps files. In that case you will have to edit the final eps file by hand,
and put in the proper PageSize command.
if [ "`head -1 ${1} | grep '^%!PS'" = "" ]
# if not a PostScript file then dump to printer
lpr -s -Php650c $1
SIZE=`head -20 ${1} | grep BoundingBox | \
awk '{MAXX = 2642; MINX = 595
MAXY = 129600; MINY = 595
X=$2+$4; Y=$3+$5
if (X > MAXX) X=MAXX
else if ( X < MINX ) X=MINX
if (Y > MAXY) Y=MAXY
else if ( Y < MINY ) Y=MINY
print X+100,Y+100}'`
sed "/EndComments/a\\
<< /PageSize [ ${SIZE} ] /ImagingBBox null \ >> setpagedevice" ${1} \
> /image/postscript/tmpfile.eps
lpr -s -r -Php650c /image/postscript/tmpfile.eps
Our AML that calls this (we call it inkjet.aml) looks like this:
&args file
&if [null %file%] &then &return USAGE: inkjet
&if ^ [exist %file% -file] &then &return Could not find %file%
&sys sh /home/local/ %file%
Here is the text of the note that Michael DeAngelo sent to me:
In article <2h1mbp$>, deangelo@ws03dwatcm.wr.usgs.GOV
(Michael A. DeAngelo) writes:
I made a model script which can be used to solve the PageSize problem
on the HP650C in PostScript mode.
When plotting a PostScript file generated by ARC to the HP650C it always
cuts a ~54" page regardless of the size of the plot. The problem is that
ARC doesn't produce a PostScript file which sets up the device.
This model script will check to see if the PostScript file is from ARC,
if it is, it will add the /PageSize command to the ARC file before
piping it to the device. The PageSize values are read from the
%%BoundingBox line in the PostScript file.
The model assumes the plotter language is set to HPGL/2. This model
will automatically switch between HPGL/2 and PostScript.
I am still working on the minor origin problem we are having.
# hp650c - HP DesignJet 650C Interface Script for asynchronous
# Sets line to 19200 baud
# Interface script changed by Michael DeAngelo, USGS, to be
# used with a HP DesignJet 650C with the PostScript option
# in HPGL/2 mode. Interface will check to see if the plot
# is PostScript, if so then it will switch the plotter to PS
# plot the file, then switch back. 12-10-93
# PageSize modification added 1-10-94
# This interface is called with the following parameters:
# $0 - interface name - "interface/'printer_name'"
# $1 - Request id returned by lp
# $2 - Logname of user making request
# $3 - Optional title specified by user
# $4 - Number of copies specified by user
# $5 - Blank seperated list of options - none apply to this interface
# $6+- Filenames to be printed
# This interface returns codes that are interpreted by "lpsched"
# as follows:
# 0 - Print job was completed successfully
# 1 to 64 - A problem code that does not affect future jobs
# 1 - Bad options list
# 65 - 127 - If the problem detected affects future jobs, the
# printer will be disabled. Exit codes are then:
# 65 - Can not execute filter - /usr/lib/lptab
# over 127 - Reserved for internal use by lpsched.
# check options - none apply to this printer interface
#if [ ! -z "$5" ]
# exit 1
# check if filter is executable
if [ ! -x /usr/lib/lptab ]
disable -r"Can not execute /usr/lib/lptab" `basename $0`
exit 65
stty $BAUD opost -onlret clocal ff0 cr0 nl0 0<&1
shift 5
while [ $i -le $copies ]
for file in $files
if [ "`head -1 ${file} | grep '^%!PS'" = "" ]
# if not a PostScript file then dump to printer
/usr/lib/lptab < $file 2>&1
# is a PostScript file so switch to PostScript
# plot file
# then switch back
# if an ARC/INFO file then add the PageSize line
# computed from the BoundingBox line
if [ "`head ${file} | grep 'Creator: ARC/INFO'" != "" ]
SIZE=`head -20 ${file} | grep BoundingBox | \
awk '{MAXX = 2642; MINX = 595
MAXY = 129600; MINY = 595
X=$2+$4; Y=$3+$5
if (X > MAXX) X=MAXX
else if ( X < MINX ) X=MINX
if (Y > MAXY) Y=MAXY
else if ( Y < MINY ) Y=MINY
print X+100,Y+100}'`
sed "/EndComments/a\\
<< /PageSize [ ${SIZE} ] /ImagingBBox null \ >> setpagedevice" ${file} \
| /usr/lib/lptab 2>&1
# otherwise just dump the PostScript file without
# changing the file
/usr/lib/lptab < $file 2>&1
# switch back
echo "\033%-12345X@PJL"
i=`expr $i + 1`
exit 0
1201 Pacific Ave. Suite 600 | .. __ __
Tacoma, WA 98402 | <>{ D(#_],_/__/
(206)593-6510 FAX (206)593-6514 | <>{ __/~~~'
================end included message============================
Hope this helps,