AML for animating ARC/INFO images (the glacier)
Created June 9, 1995
I'm just putting the AML portion here, as the mpeg_encode stuff is no different
from what I have described
This AML makes a series of frames that are saved with the screensave command.
The animation part comes from incrementally darkening one coverage while
drawing the other.
/* animateglac.aml
/* Produce an animation between two glacial periods.
/* The important variables are the beginning and ending glacial coverage,
/* the beginning frame number, and the number of frames
/* to create between the two periods.
display 9999 size canvase 200 200
&call setup
/*make the first frame, and save it
shadeset color
reselect $FM/base/glac18 poly glac18-id = 1
arcs $FM/base/base
arcs $FM/base/states
arcs $FM/base/country
polygonshades $FM/base/glac18 1
move .29 .28
text '18\kya'
screensave glac1.ras
screensave glac2.ras
screensave glac3.ras
/* now do a series of transitions between glacial extent
/* coverages that we have digitized
&call setup
&s start = 18
&s finish = 14
&s number = 14
&s frame = 4
&s halfway = %number% / 2
&call runframes
&call setup
&s start = 14
&s finish = 13
&s number = 10
&s halfway = %number% / 2
&call runframes
&call setup
&s start = 13
&s finish = 12
&s number = 10
&s halfway = %number% / 2
&call runframes
&call setup
&s start = 12
&s finish = 11
&s number = 10
&s halfway = %number% / 2
&call runframes
&call setup
&s start = 11
&s finish = 10
&s number = 10
&s halfway = %number% / 2
&call runframes
&call setup
&s start = 10
&s finish = 9
&s number = 10
&s halfway = %number% / 2
&call runframes
&call setup
&s start = 9
&s finish = 8
&s number = 10
&s halfway = %number% / 2
&call runframes
/*end of main routine
/* subroutines
/* The setup routine just resets things, and puts them back the same
/* way. I did this because I found in the past the Arc/Info Rev 6.1.1
/* chokes a little if you do too many screensaves in one arcplot session.
&routine setup
shadeset colornames
mape 1019844,952925,6066914,6043846
textset font
textsymbol 3
textcolor hls 240 100 100
/* This is the real guts of the aml.
&routine runframes
&do counter = 1 &to %number% &by 1
shadecolorramp 1 %number% black white
/* Reselect for polygons coded as Glacial Ice
reselect $FM/base/glac%start% poly glac%start%-id = 1
reselect $FM/base/glac%finish% poly glac%finish%-id = 1
&s tempno = %number% - %counter%
polygonshades $FM/base/glac%start% %tempno%
polygonshades $FM/base/glac%finish% %number%
/* Reselect for polygons coded as Periglacial Lakes\
/* and shade them in cyan
reselect $FM/base/glac%start% poly glac%start%-id = 4
reselect $FM/base/glac%finish% poly glac%finish%-id = 4
shadecolorramp 1 %number% black cyan
polygonshades $FM/base/glac%start% %tempno%
polygonshades $FM/base/glac%finish% %number%
arcs $FM/base/base
arcs $FM/base/states
arcs $FM/base/country
/* I found this to be the trickiest part. This is a method for
/* putting in the time label. The version here makes a sort of
/* pulsating label. I'm not sure that I like it, so this part
/* may change in the future.
move .29 .28
&if %counter% le %halfway% &then
&s temptxtno = %counter% / %halfway% * 100
&s temptxtno = 100 - %temptxtno%
textcolor hls 240 %temptxtno% 100
text [quote %start%\kya]
&s temptxtno = %counter% - %halfway%
&s temptxtno = %temptxtno% / %halfway% * 100
textcolor hls 240 %temptxtno% 100
text [quote %finish%\kya]
screensave glac%frame%.ras
&s frame = %frame% + 1
screensave glac%frame%.ras
&s frame = %frame% + 1
I hope this is of interest. Please let me know if you have any comments
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