HomeSite is a 32-bit freeware HTML editor that resulted from my frustration with updating
and maintaining Dexter on the Web. For the first few weeks of the site's existence, new
pages were created using Windows Notepad. As time went on, however, I found that I
needed something a little fancier. I tried what seemed like dozens of HTML tools - from
simple text editors to full-blown WYSIWYG environments - but never found one that
suited me. They either provided too much hand-holding or were so laden with features that
it was still easier to use Notepad. As luck would have it, about this time both Borland's
Delphi 2.0 and Microsoft's Internet Control Pack (ICP) were released, which provided me
the tools I needed to build my own editor. Setting aside my cartoons, I locked myself away
and wrote HomeSite.
Run HomeSite for Windows