1000 InternetClock 1001 Local Time 1011 Local Time 1012 San Fancisco 1013 New York 1020 Settings 1021 Events 1030 InternetClock 1031 InternetClock 1032 Clock %d 1033 Select a Program For This Task 1034 Program Files (.exe)| *.exe 1035 %s Reminder 1036 %s Alarm 1037 %s Task 1038 Every %d (mins): 1039 Internet Utilities Reminder 1040 InternetClock: Unable to execute the following application 1041 Add Reminder 1042 Synchronize Time 1043 Set Time & Date 1044 Invalid Date: The date specified is prior to today's date. 1045 Invalid Time: The time specified is prior to now. 1046 InternetClock: Reminder 1047 Invalid day of the month. 1048 InternetClock Error 1049 Invalid Repeat Interval