The Arawak OS/2 Shareware CD-ROM is designed to be easy to use and to provide logical access to our collection of shareware. The first thing you may wish to do is to run the program INSTALL.CMD. This will create an object on the desktop for the Arawak program which may be placed in any folder you choose. Not every directory on the disc is accessable from the Arawak program. Certain folders are not for use in this fashion. The \BIN directory contains executables for several compression utilities such as unzip, arc, and unarj. Similiarly, the \FONTS\PSFONTS contains uncompressed fonts ready for your use. In the \ICONS and \ICONS\COMICS directories are a collection of our preferred icons. We didn't include too many so that you don't have to sort through a maze of them. For BBS sysops, we have provided FILES.BBS in each directory containing archives, and these are summarized in FILESBBS.TXT. In future editions of the Arawak OS/2 CD-ROM, we plan on greatly enhancing the browser. Up for consideration are the ability to create floppies from images, a 'found list' for searches, font control, and other goodies. We welcome your input and can be reached by voice at 519-641-4523, on the net at ARAWAK@IBM.NET, or by snail mail at: ARAWAK CD SOLUTIONS, PO Box 1032, Lambeth, ON N0L 1S0 Canada